Learned to clean my G19 today


New member
I went up to one of the police ranges this afternoon to be shown how to clean my (new to me) 2nd gen Glock 19. I was amazed at how easy it is to disassemble, clean, and reassemble. It didn't come with manual and box and such, so I really didn't have a single clue about how to clean it before today.

At the range, the Lieutenant (what a nice guy!) showed me how to take it apart, then clean it (showing me then watching me do it), then put it together again. Then he had me disassemble and reassemble it several times to show I could.

This 19 supposedly had less than 300 rounds through it when I bought it recently, and I've put 200 rounds through it. It was manufactured in 1994 (according to Glockmeister) but was still in pristine condition when I got it. The only really dirty spot was one small part which the Lieutenant said was from the way it was lubed from the factory.


It was all very simple, really! Yet more evidence that this is just the right handgun for me!

I know... seems very basic and pathetic, but we all have to learn sometime.


Have a wonderful day!

Yes, it is basic but certainly not pathetic. You've learned something new and in the process have assumed responsibility for maintaining your weapon. You should be proud of this.


I've own two Glocks...a 17 and a 19C
One reason I love 'em is the ease on maintenance. Plus, as a Quality Assurance/Engineering type, I think the simplicity of a Glock is elegant. Reckon thats strange word to describe a Glock...but good engineering is simplicity.

I've owned the 17 since '88 or '89. I bought the 19C about 18 months ago. Both guns are great, but that 19 (with Hogue grips) just fits my hand so nicely!

Enjoy your pistol, Amelia...just make sure you always always check the chamber before you put it away!
Not Pathetic at all

Now we just want to know what handgun/rifle/shotgun you're getting next. :D Once you start, you just can't stop.
Way to go Amelia. Pretty soon you will have your own gun shop!!!:D Can I have a job. please mam?:)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
*laughing at Ala Dan*


Thank you, Seminole1986!

Ala Dan... I don't want a gun shop! What I want is a shooting range in my own county... I'm getting tired of driving to Birmingham! it's a dadgumhourthere and a dadgumhourback...

Ezeckial... I kept saying to the Lt. as he showed me how to take it apart... "is that all there is? how cool!" he even showed me how to take it all the way apart (More than i need to know for cleaning). It's amazing in its simplicity! I love this gun.

PJ11B3VF7... now that you asked, here's my new wish list:

- something smaller than the 19 that I can carry when I can't carry the glock due to clothing or other limitations, maybe a Glock 26? haven't tried to shoot one yet, though.

- a home shotgun - 20 gauge youth model of some sort

- another 2nd generation glock 19 just like the one I already have

I have never fired a rifle, so haven't thought much about those. The above list seems pretty reasonable to me for personal protection and home protection.

your advice and comments are alwasy welcome!

If you contact Glock, they'll probably send you a replacement manual. Perhaps they have them online, in PDF format, like SIG.
Amelia-Congrats on your ever-broadening base of "Gun Knowledge"! Might I suggest that you write/call/e-mail Glock and see if they'll send you an instruction manual for your new M19? Always good to have...Also, as far as something smaller than the Glock 19, might I suggest one of the S&W J-frames...like a Model 60 or a Model 642...Mrs. 3-5-7 has carried both, and was/is VERY PLEASED!!! She still carries the 642, BTW....mikey357

...May the learning never stop! I've always thought that being able to break-down your weapon was the first real step toward mastery of said weapon!


Very nice post. Thank you. And I agree, while my G23C is not my favorite semiautomatic, it certianly is easy to maintain.

I like the 26 as well. While I don't have a J frame Smith I have fired one at the range and for me it falls in the category of a gun that you carry more than you shoot. In other words I wasn't that happy with it. They are nice and light though. The Kahr's get very good press for the most part, but I have no experience with any of them.

Shotgun wise, if you want a 20 gauge then may I suggest the Remington 870 Express Youth.

Rifle wise I'm really partial to AR-15's. I think it's one of the most capable and multi-purpose rifles in the world.
Of course I'm also shopping for an FAL clone.

How far away are you from Columbus GA? There's a gunshop/range there that has a decent selection of handguns for rent, among them a Glock 26 and a Glock 27. It may be closer to you than Birmingham.

Best wishes for more fun shooting

Birmingham is an hour drive. Columbus GA is probably 3.5 hours at least. I'm nearer to Columbus, Mississippi. I'm on the wrong side of Alabama, clearly! :(

It'll probably be summer before I can buy another gun, so hopefully I'll get to try out some different ones. I have a friend who is going to let me try his G27 and met an officer when I was up there learning how to clean the 19 who said I could try his 26 sometime. That's a start. :)

Y'all have all given some useful bits of advice! Thanks!

Have a wonderful day!

Amelia-for your "home protection" shotgun, you could do A LOT WORSE than a gas-operated 20 gauge shotgun, like a Remington 100 or Beretta AL391, either full-sized or a "youth model", depending on your physical stature...the reasons that I suggest an autoloader are first, the gas operating system "spreads out" the recoil impulse-makes it FEEL like less recoil-and, secondly, IF you EVER NEED it in an "emergency", do you need to be thinking about "Gee, will I remember to PUMP the shotgun AFTER the first shot???" Not being a lifelong devotee of the pumpgun myself, I prefer to adhere to the K.I.S.S. principle...with the semi-auto shotgun, pull trigger..see results...if results not what was desired, PULL TRIGGER AGAIN. Repeat as necessary!!!FWIW....mikey357
Aren't Glocks grand?!

I love how quickly this thing comes apart. I know that a comparison with a rifle is not quite fair -
I took my Glock apart the very first time in 20 seconds and back together again in the same amount of time. The first time I took my 10/22 down it took me 15 min. to pull it apart and about 2 hours to put it back together again. I had spare parts leftover too.:confused:

Yessiree, Glocks are cool!
good move. the first thing i do with any new pistol, used or new, is field strip it as far as practical, and give a thorough cleaning. this assures me the gun is functionaly as good as can be, and makes me familiar with it mechanicaly.clean and properly lubed, any quality pistol will last forever. almost. latex gloves help keep the hoppes from permeating your hands. have fun, you have jumped into a great pastime.
Amelia, while you're in B'ham stop by Excalibur indoor shooting range in Homewood. They have almost all models of Glocks for rent. I don't think they'd charge you a whole lot for a guest pass. $5 to rent one for the day, just buy your ammo there. Nice guys too, very helpful.