Learned my lesson (almost the hard way)

Roland Thunder

New member
Last night about 11pm I was walking across the parking lot of the hotel where I was staying. All of a sudden as I was about to arrive at my room (the doors are on the outside of the hotel) a stranger appears out of nowhere, it seems. He asked me if I could do him a big favor. He said he locked himself out of his car and needed a ride home to get another set of keys. He told me if I didn't help him he would have to sleep outside somewhere. He was a pretty derelict looking dude, looking like someone who might have just gotten out of jail (or escaped). I have a CCW but I don't always carry it. One of my guns, Kahr PM 9 was loaded but was about 20 feet away in my hotel room. My other gun, a Sig Sauer P226 9mm was unloaded and in the shoulder bag slung over my shoulder. I kept thinking "this guy is liable to pull out a gun and order me to drive him somewhere where I would probably end up on the side of the road in a pool of blood". Fortunately, he muttered something under his breath and took off. I proceeded to call hotel security when I got inside my room. I learned my lesson and will be more diligent about carrying my gun, probably my PM 9, I have a pocket holster for it.
In hindsight - if you had used a deadly weapon, you would probably be in deep do-do.

Ya done good without your piece.
^ That is true but if I was in the OPs shoes, I would have felt better with my S&W 642-1 on me.

You never know what people might do these days for drugs/because of drugs etc.
I was approached by a guy with the same ,locked the key in the car ,story a month or two ago.
He got the ride though.
His credentials -- he was standing in a hot parking lot at the beach with an angry wife holding two babies :)
You just never know for sure.
A similar thing happened here, but at the house.
Late at night, a knock on the door.
I inquired who it was and what they wanted through a closed window.
Guy says his car has a flat tire and no spare.
Could I give him a ride home.
Like that's a reasonable request from anyone.
After turning on the outside lights, I see it's the neighborhood tree trimmer, and we were the only house on the block still with lights on.
Nice guy, not too bright not to have a spare tire, though.
But it's doubtful he had a flashlight or tire tool, either.
So, I run him home and even loan him enough to get another tire.
Some people are ok, they're just not prepared for life.
But if he wasn't someone I knew and trusted, no way would I have gotten involved.
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spooky situations, always carry. No matter what. Hell, carry some form of gas with you in case your carry is not available. Most derelicts know what gas can do and usually leave you be if they spot it.
Stay safe out there guys, and always check your 6.
I let a man walk up on me in a motel parking lot last year, was in the console. Ha he been up to no good he's have had me. Never again. It was late nite, back parking lot.
In my experience, places where lowlifes will make an attempt on someone tend to be:

a) convenience stores/gas stations well after dark
b) interstate rest stops
c) motel/hotel parking lots

In the cases of b) and c), the lowlife knows you're away from familiar territory, likely w/o any local friends/family and not knowledgeable about where police stations etc are.

In a) they take advantage of you focusing on the task at hand.

It's not easy to keep your SA at a high level all the time.
Yesterday, out of laziness, I went to the store not carrying. I thought to myself "this will be the time something happens" slightly jokingly.

This post reminds me it's not a joke.

I live in a very good neighborhood and it was broad daylight. But still. . .

P.S. It's good to know that things turned out okay for the OP.
Awareness always comes first, before weapon considerations.
Experts say:
Predators look for the unwary and avoid the ready-when-you-are ones, armed or not.
Put away that phone, look, scan and acknowledge everyone you see.
What's behind you, too.
Get family members on board with this, two or three sets of eyes are better than one.
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Sometimes, folks actually need help, glad you didn't shoot him. Why is everyone scared of strangers? Used to be a guy could start a conversation with just about anyone, not today tho. Folks look at me with fear in their eyes just cause Isaid something nice to them. This old man isn't used to that, we need to put the fear aside and become free Americans once again, or just stay home
Glad nothing happened to you. I believe that situational awareness is just as important as having your weapon on you. Not every situation warrants pulling out a gun. The problem is by the time a situation warrants pulling your gun, you will be behind the curve. Pull too early and you may be guilty of brandishing. While we may not all be young pups, I believe training in some sort of martial art/self defense is a highly valuable skill and may help keep us thinner around the middle too! The other thing is physically fit people are less likely to be targets. While I may not always have my gun on me, I almost ALWAYS have a knife on me. I know its bad to bring a knife to a gun fight, but its better than being completely unarmed.
Sometimes, folks actually need help, glad you didn't shoot him. Why is everyone scared of strangers? Used to be a guy could start a conversation with just about anyone, not today tho. Folks look at me with fear in their eyes just cause Isaid something nice to them. This old man isn't used to that, we need to put the fear aside and become free Americans once again. or just stay home


I talk to every body! Have done all my life, always with a smile, at 78YOA, 79 in Oct. not about to change now.
But I carry my (one of) Glock 19, spare G17 magazine, IPhone, and a very bright flashlight, in holsters, on my belt, every day (and night) Glock factory mag pouches, and their version of a belt slide, weighs nothing.

My motto follows the Marine one, more or less, be nice to everyone, but be prepared to damage them, if required.

Once you are retired, why not holster up every morning, and on the bedside table on retiring for the night. You do not carry a Insurance slip to have an accident, do you? Kind of hard to use a pistol for your protection, if it is in the safe.

Out for an amazing supper on the 31st, my Wife of 21 years 70th Birthday, great Restaurant, food perfect, Service just what you would expect from a top of the line old time (since 1920) establishment, went for a walk afterwards, smiled at a couple of people, held my Wife's hand (the left one!) no problems.

Being nice should not be confused with being soft, or unaware.
MarkJ I notice you live in Iowa, so maybe things are different there, but where I live & because of my lawenforcement background it's hard to trust people you don't know. So I'm always aware of what's going on around me.