Leading Kalifornia Anti-Gun Legislator has CCW!!!


New member
Although we all understand that Diane Finedisgust (US Senator) has a CCW and carrys, I just ran across a web site that many of you might have already chanced upon....
An interesting area of this pro-gun web site details that the biggest anti-gun politician in Kalifornia has a CCW!

I am absolutly fearious over this. This is the guy (Senator Don Perata) who has been pushing through the worst of the Kalifornia gun control laws. You need to read it and if you are from Kalifornia, get as outraged about it as I am......


To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Absolutely incredible, but is anyone REALLY surprised at this?

The ruling class has ALWAYS wanted it this way with themselves and the peasants.
This is also known as "Do As I Say, Not As I Do".

He might also have, PUBLICALLY PAID FOR armed body guard(s). So what else is new?
The word that y'all are looking for is hypocrit.

Use it liberally when you are referring to said poli-critters in statements to the media or the un-informed masses.

Bob Locke has it right. Under Socialism, the ruling elite have always retained the right to bear arms. What is disturbing is the number of "peasants" in this country who buy into the notion that only government agents should have guns - they either don't understand that Socialism and liberty are incompatible or they don't want the personal responsibility that liberty demands.
Feel free to voice you comments directly to the Jack A$$... http://WWW.sen.ca.gov/perata/opinion.htp

You may also pass this link along...

Please be polite, and professional, lest he have more cannon fodder to support his CCW permit ;)

Restrictive Gun Laws are ineffective... The day the criminals start obeying the law is the day we no longer have criminals.

It's Not about Guns... It's All about Rights!!!
Bluesman, do you remember a few years back when two of Teddy Kennedy's bodyguards were arrested in DC for carrying full-auto Uzi's?
Just another example for you.

When my wife and her friend were in Massachusets, they were walking on the beach near the Kennedy compound, on public property. One of Teddy's guys came up to them, with his Uzi, and told my wife and her
friend to get lost.

I'm sure the list of hypocrites goes on and on.

There are pink pigs, and there are brown pigs. Some pigs are more equal than others, right?

If you don't understand that, that's good, we've got a chance if we stick together and keep the light of day and the pressure on these statist a55h0l35. Ahem.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JimR:
There are pink pigs, and there are brown pigs. Some pigs are more equal than others, right?

If you don't understand that, that's good, we've got a chance if we stick together and keep the light of day and the pressure on these statist a55h0l35. Ahem.


Just remember though, pigs are meant to be eaten! :p
So don't just stand by in Cali, have a nice big pig roast!!

Son's Place

Guns don't kill innocent people. Democrats kill innocent people.
I did e-mail Mr. Perata with a simple yet kind question,"is it true you have a CCW?". Senator Perata apparently does not want to respond since he claims his high volume of e-mail prevents him from responding except to his constituents in his district. I live outside his district yet his actions have a direct effect on my freedoms. He certainly wishes to avoid debate on this issue fom pro-gunners and make up his own rules for others to abide by.
Someone in Mr. Perata's district needs to print out that website and then run off a few hundred copies on the copy machine and put them on all of the telephone poles in his district. That would make a nice weekend project for the local gun club in his district. Make sure an put them where they can be read by someone sitting in their car at a stop light. If he denies it and it can be shown to be true he loses credibilty. If it is not true then 90% of the people who read the poster will still believe it. Use the same tactics as the liberals do. Even if it is not true say it anyway. If they get taken down put them back up, people will notice that they are being torn down and wonder what is going on.
The people in power are always more'equal' than others. As long as their rights are not infringed, its okay if others go to the dogs.

Okiegentleman says "If it is not true then 90% of the people who read the poster will still believe it. Use the same tactics as the liberals do. Even if it is not true say it anyway."
I do not agree with you on this sir, the difference between them and us is that we stand for truth, justice and all the rights of citizens. If we lie, not only do we bring ourselves to their level, we will lose our own credibility. We must not stoop, but I do understand You made your statements because of anger.
Y'all just don't get. It's still our fault. If it weren't for all the crazies like us with our evil guns that are likely to influence us into all manner of dastardly deeds, peace-loving servants of the public good like him wouldn't need to carry a firearm. :rolleyes:

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein