Leader of Reform Judaism Calls National Rifle Association the Criminals' Lobby


New member
NEW YORK, Dec. 20 /U.S. Newswire/ --

Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, the
president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, has called for a massive campaign to end, once and for all, the National Rifle's Association control over the U.S. Congress. In a speech at the convention of the Reform Movement this weekend,

Rabbi Yoffie said:

"There exists in the United States a powerful lobby that supports the right of any crook or any wife-beater to buy almost any weapon at
almost any time, no questions asked. It is, in effect, the criminals' lobby, and it goes by the name of the National Rifle Association.

Our only hope to save children's lives is a 'Take no prisoners, Give no quarter' campaign against the NRA. "There also exists a spineless Congress that for 30 years has
disregarded the will of 80 percent of the American people. The pattern is always the same: after high profile killings, there is a
blip of outrage from Capitol Hill and the passage of some minor gun restrictions. In the meantime, children continue to die unnoticed every day, and the gun traffickers soon learn to circumvent the new laws. What we need now is an end to tokenism and abject cowardice in Congress, and the passage of legislation that will make a significant
dent in the easy availability of firearms."

Ought to remind them that Mordechai Anielewitz, as well as Hagana (self-defense groups) in Russia, Ukraine and Palestine were similarly disowned by their "comrades in faith". They presume to speak for me!

A side note: among Israeli arms designers were quite a few recent immigrants from places like USSR...maybe they had the motivation for staying well-armed still fresh in their minds.


The 80% number is a load of BS, as we know. But, for a moment, let's accept his reasoning.

So, I gather we have reached a point in this country where we no longer have a republic, and we no longer even have a Constitution - we simply have majority rule, right? Rather like mob rule? So, if the majority want to enslave African-Americans, now that's OK? How about abusing other minorities, religions or philosophies? Should be OK now, right? After all, 80% of the American people want .... blah, blah blah ...

Spooky reasoning, eh? I would expect more from a man who represents a religion that has suffered so greatly at the shrine of 'gun control'. JPFO indeed makes much more sense.
As always, it matters little if it is a liberal rabbi, minister, priest, or any secular manifestation of constitutional confusion, they are wrong. I read Yoffie's whole speech and it is very disheartening for any lover of our republic. "Still, we know that without federal legislation, guns will simply be aquired in the states of least resistance." Dear Rabbi Eric: States are not branches of the Federal Government! The oddest quote: "When reform Jews enter the synagogue, we refuse to check our brains at the door." Rabbi, sir, I give your congregation the benefit of the doubt, because they have yet to speak individually. You however, with all due respect, should go see the hat check girl in lost and found.
I wouldn't really listen to this guy. I am an orthodox jew and was once reform so I have been there. Reform judaism is a joke, I would doubt that this guy even believes in g-d. There membership has been in decline over the past several years due to intermarriage and the basic watering down of there self made religion. This jerk is only doing this for publicity. My rabbi, an orthodox rabbi, someone everyone would recognize as a man of g-d would laugh this off. Unfortunately this guy gives all of us jews a bad name. I don't agree with him and many like me don't either.
hoosierboy.....the problem here my friend is that you like my boss,Dr Resnick,Rabbi Lapin,Mike Medved and for that matter JPOF...are a minority in the"Jewish" community.....anyone speaking out against the above "Reformers" would be subject to being called "Anti-Semite".....thus many will not and they win by default
If you go to the site, you can get to the home page of the Reform folks. They have provision to send them a message.

I did. You can, too. Although it wasn't easy, I was polite.

:), Art