lead remover ?


New member
I shoot a lot of lswc's in my Colt Gold Cup, what is the best lead remover for cleaning the lead out of the barrel ?
Jacketed rounds. ???
Do you mean only shoot jacketed rounds or do you clean the lead out by shooting jacketed rounds ?
I will second the Lewis Lead remover...there are other ways to remove it but the LLR will usually do it in one pass. I you shoot a lot of lead it's worth the cost IMO.
Copper Chor-Boy pads sold at any grocery store will work as well as the Lewis lead remover kit and a whole lot cheaper. Just cut a piece off, wrap it around a brush and then in and out of the barrel.:D
You can also look into the coated lead bullets that Missouri and Bayou are selling. The coating greatly reduce the leading problem and almost eliminates leading completely
Another vote for the Lewis Lead Remover tool.
If the barrel gets really loaded up, hydrogen peroxide dissolves lead.
The best way to deal with it, though, is prevention.
Choosing the correct size and hardness bullets for the application goes a long way to assure that lead isn't a problem in the first place.