lead or jacketed?


New member
ok, i went to the store and bought some umc .38 special that was on sale. stupid me, i didn't pay much attention and when i got home realized i had bought lead bullets. i'd rather not take them back and go through the hassel. is shooting lead through my snubbie a bad idea? what are the pros and cons of shooting lead bullets as opposed to jacketed bullets?
Unless your piece is ported, you can shoot lead with no problems. Just give it a normal cleaning after each shooting session and everything will be fine.
I Haven't Shot a Jacketed Pistol Bullet in Years!

God made lead for bullets,
Wool for Socks,
Cotton for underware,
and Steel for 1911s!

Yr. Obt. Svnt.
Use it up for practice. I have had ok results with lead in revolvers. The lead seems to be kinda messy, and I have had a little lead fouling in the barrel rifling and the cylinder face. A "lead out" cloth works well to remove the mess from a stainless steel revolver, along with some good solvent and brushes. I have heard of people "shooting the lead out" of lead fouled rifling with jacketed bullets, but I don't know if that's a very good idea. Use your lead cartridges up, and clean your revolver well. Don't forget to wash your hands well after handling that lead ammo and a lead fouled handgun too.
Yanus, what is the problem with shooting cast lead bullets from a Magna Ported Revolver?? I have a Ruger S.B.H., 7 1/2 inch Magna Ported BBl. I have shot a lot of jacketed bullets through it, but want to go to the lead hard cast SWCs. Would that be a mistake??

Thanks for the info. J.B.
No problem with shooting lead bullets from a snubby. I shoot a lot of 158 gr. LSWC for practice, and use .38 Special +P 158 gr LSWCHP for carry ammo.
If your not used to shooting lead be forewarned, it is dirtier than jacketed or plated bullets as the bullet lube burns off. Not a big deal, you just have to clean more often.
Take Care
i have no problem with cleaning. whenever i shoot, i clean...period. even if it's only 50 rounds, my gun gets cleaned...usually the same day. i'm a big believer in a clean gun won't let you down.
Occasionally ported guns will spit lead from the ports.
Has a lot to do with the hardness of the lead bullet (cast or swaged), the velocity, the shape of the ports, and of course if there are any burrs in the barrel.

Not all ported guns spit, and those that do don't do it all the time.

ALWAYS wear glasses while shooting!!!

One advantage to lead bullets . . .

is that you can shoot them at steel plates or targets with less fear of ricochet. Lead deposits will form in the ports (or compensator) though, if your gun is so equipped.

The only downside to shooting lead through a ported handgun is the possibility of leading the ports. It won't hurt the gun, but would be a pain to clean. I read of a fella that used a drill bit with his hand to remove lead deposits from the ports. Obviously, don't use the bit in a drill!!!
If the bullets are cast hard enough, they probably wouldn't lead anyway. My suggestion for commercial lead bullets is Oregon Trail (Lazercast). I shoot these in .357 with no leading at all using 6.5 gr Unique behind a 158 gr LSWC. This is a medium velocity general purpose load. It is easy on the gun and easy on your hand! LOL! Good luck and keep'em in the 10's!
i would like to thank everyone who replied to my post. you have given me some good advice and info. thanks guys and/or gals. hehe