Lda 16-40

3 gun

New member
I got to take my "new" PO LDA 16-40 to the steel plate shoot at Tusco this past weekend. (Thanks to OIC for the quick turn around and smooth transaction :) ) As a strong fan of the SA pistol, (CZ, 1911 etc) I wasn't sure the LDA would be my cup of tea. A trip to the range and the rental of an LDA opened my eyes. The guys at PO have done a great job with this DAO pistol. The only real difference between the SA 1911 and the LDA is the long take up in the trigger stroke. That take up leads into a clean break of around 5 LBS.

Still the proof is in the shooting. I used over 200 rounds of 180gr Blazer Sunday. This after 100 rounds indoors Saturday. The pistol was tight and started to slow as it became dirty. A few drops of CLP were all that was needed to finish the day trouble free.

Bullseye shooting at 50ft indoors with a two hand standing hold, had groups running around 2 inches, about 3" below the point of aim. Plate shooting was quick and easy with a center hold. Recoil with the all steel pistol was light and easy to control. My times were on par or just slightly slower than normal. I also had a few more misses than usual. Still given the low round count I was very happy with the way I shot the LDA shot.

I passed the pistol around for a few of the other shooters to try. All had no problem getting hits on steel after just a few dry fire tests of the trigger.

I still prefer the SA style of pistol but have to admit the LDA is a winner and is staying in my collection. Who knows given more time and a higher round count it may become my favorite.