LCP - pocket carry on a bicycle.


New member
I normally wear a pair of cargo shorts & stick my LCP (original model LCP with no safety) in the Ruger pocket holster it came with, in one of the flap pockets when I ride.
I carry it cocked - with one in the chamber.

I'm starting to wonder if that might not be the wisest thing to do, since riding causes a lot of leg movement.

Should I carry it with an empty chamber?
Should I get something else?

I have a SIG 938, but, it's a heavier gun & it's uncomfortable to ride with in my pocket.
As long as the holster covers the trigger properly and nothing else is in your pocket, you should be fine.
I bike with mine. It’s in a pocket holster and the pocket is zippered. I feel perfectly safe with it like that, but I also wear mountain bike shorts.

If the gun flops around in the pocket of your cargo shorts you probably need to use a different holster or find a way to keep it more stable
It should be fine, I carry my Ruger LCP the exact same way and it has never been a problem. The DA Trigger on the LCP is too heavy to be pulled accidentally, and if you have it inside of a pocket holster inside of an otherwise empty pocket with a flap and some velcro to hold it closed while you're riding, then you've got nothing to worry about.
You might also look into a belly band. Since it sits above the waist, there would be no movement.
I've used one while doing martial arts, and it was comfortable.
I don’t know what the pocket holster looks like, but if you don’t feel comfortable with it in your shorts then you should probably pitch the holster.

Carrying without one in the pipe is like putting your seat belt across your lap and not buckling it.
It should probably be fine. If you are worried go for a ride without one in the the chamber and see if the gun stays put in the holster. The main thing is to not put anything in the pocket but the gun in the holster.
It will be fine. You are senior member anyway, won’t matter at this point if it goes off in your pocket.
Carrying without one in the pipe is like putting your seat belt across your lap and not buckling it.
Noramally - I'd agree w/that.
I doubt it would make a difference if I had to rack the slide tough -considering the amount of time involved in just getting t the gun & drawing it.
I hesitate to leave the chamber empty more because of having one less round available than I do anything speed related.

It will be fine. You are senior member anyway, won’t matter at this point if it goes off in your pocket.
:D :D
Noramally - I'd agree w/that.
I doubt it would make a difference if I had to rack the slide tough -considering the amount of time involved in just getting t the gun & drawing it.
I hesitate to leave the chamber empty more because of having one less round available than I do anything speed related.

:D :D

You might not always have both of your hands available. In that case racking the slide does become an issue. Now granted you’re on a bike so maybe you can ride away, but if someone closes distance on you the time it to takes to rack a round could very well be problematic.

You are talking a double action pistol in a pocket holster. I think you’ll be fine, personally.

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I have carried my LCP in a pocket holster for many years. One in the chamber always. Never had a problem. Never pocket carry with out a holster.
You might not always have both of your hands available.
I can almost guarantee I won't have both hands available.
@ 68 years old & about 50 pounds overweight & with all the flexibility of a 2x4 - just stopping the bike w/out falling over - let alone trying to steady it while doing something else - other than trying to steady it - usually takes both hands & then some!

You might also look into a belly band.
Yeah - that's up near the top of my list for when cooler weather sets in.
One drawback to it though is - one of my destinations is a gym/swimming pool. With the LCP in the Ruger pocket holster - in my thigh carg short pocket, I just leave it in there when I change in the locker room & nobody is the wiser that I carry.
I can't do that with anything else.
Have you ever had the pistol work its way out of the holster to any substantial degree? If not, the holster is doing its job and no worries.
I ride... I have a LCP but if you have it in the zipper pouch that the gun shipped in or even a different pocket holster, I wouldn't carry it in a leg pocket.

That's just me. I don't think it will fire with nothing else in your pocket, but if the gun is loose in your pocket and subject to constant movement, I'd take a pass.

I'd look for some other type of waist band holster or an under the seat pouch to put it in.
Ok, I’m just curious here. I’m not overly familiar with an LCP, but when you say cocked do you mean with a hammer back ready to fire with no safety? If that’s the case and your carrying in a cargo pocket while pedaling your bike, I’d say that’s crazy. But if you mean loaded with the hammer down in a DA mode I wouldn’t worry at all about it.
Belly bands are hot has hell when exercising with them on. This is what I use when I bike or workout:

No pocket holster. Just drop the gun in. Strap is elastic material. Will hold close to your body. Slim enough that it can go under a shirt w/o anyone noticing. I routinely use this when I cycle or workout. Put a key ring on one of the zippers for quick opening. Fits a Pico, P3AT, or P32 just fine. Should fit an LCP, too.

The problem with carrying in a pair of cargo shorts is that you need to button up the pockets otherwise risk of the thing falling out. Pretty hard to unbotton cargo pockets quickly. They also flop around when there's even a small gun in 'em.
Ok, I’m just curious here. I’m not overly familiar with an LCP, but when you say cocked do you mean with a hammer back ready to fire with no safety?
Cocked is a misleading term - if you don't have an LCP.
When it's "cocked" - the hammer is partially back & you have to use the trigger to draw the hammer back all the way - similar to a D/A - but - not really.
The LCP is - as Wikipedia says - "Single Strike Double Action Mechanism".
It's not like a S/A 1911 being carried cocked and locked.

Carrying one in the cargo pocket - in a holster that covers the trigger & hold the gun fast in the holster - with nothing else in the pocket is 100% safe - safety or no safety.

The problem with carrying in a pair of cargo shorts is that you need to button up the pockets otherwise risk of the thing falling out. Pretty hard to unbotton cargo pockets quickly. They also flop around when there's even a small gun in 'em.
The shorts I bike in have either velcro or snaps. Quick access to the gun seems to be ok.
Surprisingly - the gun stays put pretty well in the cargoo pocket when I ride.
IMhO your good (LCP, round in the chamber, in a holster).

As guns and bicycles have come up several times before (and motorcycles as well) the topic of falling on the gun, NOT that the gun would go off, just falling onto a hunk of metal in your pocket might be a concern but the holster might provide a little padding for you. Still, I think it's a valid consideration but not important enough to change the way you're doing things.