Get the Hogue Handall Hybrid grip made especially for the LCP. It is secured with a pin so it can't move. It is an excellent grip that makes a big difference.
I like the Hogue a lot, on the LCP. For me, The extra bulk makes the gun much more pleasant and easy to shoot. I don't have a problem with it "grabbing" clothing, or printing more.
My Elsea Pea wears the Hogue grip. I didn't really have a problem with what others call the sting, or snappy recoil, but it just feels better in the hand with the little added bulk. It is just as easy to conceal in my bocket in a DeSantis Nemesis, and I haven't notices any difficulty is drawing it from my pocket. It feels secure, and part of the gun.
You apparently have large hands, as these Ruger's have narrow concealable handgrips. The LCP is very concealable. The LC9s is my CCW (when compared to the LC9) with 50% less draw and 35% less reset.) It also fits in my dress jeans pocket with no problem.
My hands are lean and long. Larger and thicker hands and finger do need a little added grip on the LCP, but makes it more difficult in concealment it. I'd recommend the Talon wrap to its firm grip.
(Oh, and to the readers, I have just had Galloway trigger upgrade on my old LC9 with similar results to my LC9s.) ...only an option to reduce the long pull and reset.
So far, the best change I have found for the LCP grip is simply to use the newer factory seven round magazines. They improve the grip immeasurably at a very small price in concealability.