I own a LC9s and the nemesis works fantastically so long as you use the holster as designed. I've read complaints from people that it follows the gun out of their pocket, but I'm guessing they just didn't know to draw a pocket holster like this. It works flawlessly for me every time.
Great holster. Very easy to draw from yet also covers the trigger and safety perfectly. Some of the stitching leaves a little to be desired in terms of quality but this holster is not expensive in the least.
But what makes this holster really good for pocket carry is the way it imprints. When your gun is holstered in the nemesis, it imprints more like a wallet or a smart phone than a gun. This is crucial for pocket carry IMO and the reason I really love this holster.
However, I should point out that I've read really good reviews of the Desantis Superfly, which is billed as an improved version of the Nemesis. I love my Nemesis, but I really want to try out the Superfly. You should definitely check out that model as well
One word of warning, if you're a svelte guy the LC9s will look so big in your pocket that it will stand out. I'm a 170 lb 6'2" guy (I need to eat a sandwich, I know) and I pocket carry the LC9s when at home. I've never had someone make it as a gun, but people often wonder what the hell that gigantic thing in my pocket is.
I had one girl tell me that it looked like I had an eggplant in my pocket. I lied to her and said it was my 120 GB Zune. She believed me, but it's moments like that which make me feel that perhaps the LC9s is just a little too big for pocket carry outside the home. Still if I didn't carry in the Nemesis, it would be completely obvious that I had a gun in my pocket.