
Lead Bullet Technology

...rather ....a style as well. A large lead SWC type with a much larger meplat than the normal
Lead Bullet Technology

LBT was also the name of Veral Smith's custom mold making business. Never bought anything from him and I was going to place an order, but never received a reply. I suspect he retired out and sold the name. Too bad.

If you can get a copy of his book on bullet casting, it's worth it.

Thanks for the memory jog....CAST PERFORMANCE BULLETS I believe is using their name....dewey

Veral Smith is currently doing time for some type of tax evasion case.

The LBT style bullet is basically a design that puts a lot of the weight of the projectile outside the case (so you can put more powder in the case) and it also has a large metplat that lets the bullet penetrate more but still provide a large wound channel.

As mentioned above, these guys cast and sell many of the LBT designs. They are usually refeered to as LFN or LWN.

Take a look: