LBT Mold

Old 454

New member
Well I ordered a 200 grain gas checked 10mm mold from LBT back in first week in May and LBT cashed check in early June.
Anyone familiar with LBT turn around time ?

I realize Veral is getting old, I was wondering if this is par for a Mold from him.

On a side note the man is an absolute hoot to talk to
I don't remember how long it took for my LBT mold to get to me but it was worth every minute. I casted the most accurate bullets I've ever used and Veral spent a lot of time helping me find the perfect load.

He said I'd get 1 inch or less at 25 yards and he was right on. He even made a special mold for me converting one of his 180 grain flat nose molds to a round nose that cast 184s. I used it for years and won many matches with it.
This was posted by LeverActionGypsy on the Reloaders Network on 12/26/22

"Merry Christmas all! I thought I'd stop by with an important update about LBT molds. I was going to start apprenticing under Veral Smith of LBT Bullet molds this January and learn the art of making great bullet molds....I just got off the phone with him - the shop burned to the ground on Christmas day.

Cause unknown at this point. He just parted ways on bad terms with a disgruntled apprentice so it makes me wonder. All the tools and machinery to make LBT molds Veral made himself. Custom one of a kind machinery and tooling - all destroyed. LBT Bullet molds is over.

I asked him about getting the shop rebuilt and starting up again but he said no due to his age - which was why I was going to be apprenticing under him. He said he is going to do one more book more in depth that the last but thats it. So if you were thinking about ordering LBT molds, dont send in a payment as the site is still up. They have no power and likely the site will be up until they get power restored.

If you want an LBT mold check Ebay and look for what you want before the word gets out and the molds start going for hundreds of dollars. I'm thankful I got the chance to know Veral fairly well and have four of his custom molds, but I have to say I'm pretty sad to hear the news. I've tried most brands of molds and LBT definitely were the easiest molds to cast with. If you want what I'd say is likely the BEST design for 45ACP, go find his classic 452-230gr LFN design. At least It's become my favorite, lol. Happy New Year, all!"
Veral made the best mold I've ever used. He spent a lot of time with me setting it up to give 1 inch groups at 25 yards from my S&W 627. Hope for nothing but the best for him.
Update from LeverActionGypsy I'm sure you guys have heard by now, but if you haven't Veral Smith of LBT Bullet molds had a stroke last week. I haven't heard back, but I know he was in the hospital with bleeding in the brain. Not good. I know he was talking about getting the lube aspect of the business going again and the 4th edition of the book, but I figure it's likely not going to happen at this point. I didn't know him long or very well, and while he was eccentric, he was one of the smartest people I ever met. I wish I took a vid of the shop with all the machines running to make the molds - he built every mold machine in there, it was pretty amazing to see it in operation and how it all worked.