Lawyers behind the gun suits


New member
Ever want to know about the people behind the gun lawsuits? The dominant media does a fine job of digging holes and burying interesting information that does not support their preconceived positions.

Anyhow, take a look at this site. It has good info the people who are behind the lawsuits.

I would like someone to run a make on Handgun Control Inc. sometime. Everywhere you turn HCI shows up, yet I have seen nothing about the movers and shakers, finance, political affiliation, and fellow travelers. I am know soothsayer, but I'll betcha a steak diner at the Waffle House the HCI is not just Sarah Brady. In fact, I'll go so far as to say Sarah Brady is a useful fool for some other group.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964