Laws preventing civil law suits on justified shootings?

C Philip

New member
I heard that Florida has a law that if you shot a person in self defense and it was found justifiable in a criminal court, then you could not be sued over it or have any more charges placed on you in a civil court.

Is this true? It sounds like a great law to me, a justifiable self defense shooting should not automatically set one up for financial ruin.

What other states have this law?
Some things to consider. Several States have already passed "Make My Day" laws and others also have provisions in their Constitution that pretty much allows the use of deadly force for Self Defense without Civil recourse to the Agressor.

That being said, remember that negligence will always open the door to being sued. Most attorneys will file negligent ________ suits (fill in the blank). You may be covered under the law but the SB.'s (short for scumbag) attorney will try to prove you were negligent by a) not retreating; b) contributing to the confrontation; c) not being somewhere else when the SB decided to do his thing; d) whatever he/she can dream up to make a $$. Since your insurance company will no doubt become involved, they will settle for whatever the limits of liability might be just to avoid a lengthy court case. In other words, a quick $100k or so for the attorney.

Disclaimer: Not all attorneys behave like this just as not all dog poop smells. It only takes the one or two whiffs, however, to make you hold your nose when you see it.