Laws about carrying handguns


New member
I know that you need to be 21 years of age to buy a handgun, but do you also need to be 21 years of age to carry one? Or can you carry once you reach 18? I live in AZ right now but i will probally be doing some traveling and wanted to know if i could carry legally or not, as long as i followed the state rules. Thanks, Justin
My HS graduation present was a Glock 17 from my parents. I carried it openly and shot it all over Phoenix and Arizona from age 18 on and never had a problem. I haven't had to worry about it for a long while being that I am well over 21, but I seem to remember that it was legal ;)

Uncle Sam issued me a 1911 when I was a mere lad of 18 and required myself and several other teenagers to carry one on a daily basis. ;)

Thanks for your responses. Now that I know I will be able to carry a pistol openly, my only concern is Kimber or HK USP.... ah, decisions, decisions... :)
Good morning, Justin,

Unless you are a LEO, I have to rain on your parade. No state (except Vermont*) recognizes any other state CCW license. Not like driver's licenses, though it should be. Only Florida issues CCW licenses to out of state residents, and that has to be gotten in advance.
* Which allows anyone to carry concealed or open.

I don't know all the state laws, but if you carry a handgun on you or within your reach in a car in MD, PA, or VA, and you are caught, you will be arrested.

Either leave the gun at home or keep it in the trunk and keep quiet about it. Drive safely and carefully, and there would be no reason to stop you and no reason to search you or the car.

If you feel you have to carry, it is at your own risk, but recognize that you are violating the law and the police will not consider it a juvenile prank.


Many states issue permits to non-residents, including Florida, New Hampshire, Utah, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Maine, just to name a handful. Also, the majority of the states that allow for concealed carry have at least a few reciprocity agreements in place. For example, with my Florida permit, I can carry legally in Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Wyoming. Thanks to a law just signed by Jeb Bush, by July 1st there should be another 4-6 states which will have reciprocity agreements with Florida. My Iowa permit on the other hand, because it was issued by a Sheriff and not a state agency, is only good in Iowa.


[This message has been edited by Red (edited May 05, 1999).]
Justin, Quite a few states will honor a CCW from another state that reciprocates. If you are under 21 you will not be able to obtain a CCW in your state. Most likely, you can have your pistol in your car, not on your person out of the car unless "engaged in a shooting tournament , etc....." You will be in Deep Chi if discovered out of your home state with a hand gun in your possesion when you are a minor. It's not right but that's the way it is.
Good Shooting, Hank
Actually I just got a copy of the "Arizona Gun Owners Guide" and it is legal in AZ to carry open when you are 18. I just have to get my parants buy my ammo for me :)
I personally have no problem with legal open carry, but I can guarantee that you will not be received well by the general public if they see you carrying. Also, be aware that some municipalities and LEO's will not be happy and you are sure to get hassled.

<font color=red size=5>--Red</font>