Moderator Emeritus
I do love this!!! :) :)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1999 23:08:44 ET XXXXX



Several senior Republican lawmakers are privately expressing concern that
government property may disappear during First Lady Hillary Rodham's move
to New York, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"The White House is filled with our national treasures... I hope they do
not come up missing after all of this moving around!" one ranking
congressman explained over the weekend.

"How is Hillary planning to furnish that big house, when they've always
lived in publicly funded housing? I think we need to get someone in there
to audit the White House right now."

The congressman, who refused to be named for this report, explains how
other lawmakers have similar concerns about the status of White House

"We've talked about raising this issue, but the leadership is worried it
would be in very poor taste... You just can't come out and accuse the
First Lady of robbery, for goodness sake. Especially, a robbery that has
not yet happened!"

Earlier this month Hillary Clinton indicated that she will soon move out
of the White House, into her new million-dollar home in Chappaqua, New

"I may have to buy some things, but we are mostly trying to use what we
have," she told reporters at the White House last week. "While I'm
waiting, I'm trying to get everything ready. We are pulling things out of
storage to see what has to be covered and fixed."

Mrs Clinton will be decorating and furnishing her own house for the first
time in 20 years.

White House officials declined to say precisely what the First Family has
in storage.

The congressman draws parallels to the situation in Israel last October
when Israeli police raided the home and office of former Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, seizing dozens of expensive items -- boxes with gold,
silver and expensive paintings -- they suspected him of keeping illegally
after he was voted out of office. Both Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, were
later questioned about the items by fraud investigators.

"I'm not really concerned about the towels at the White House or the
bedding," said the lawmaker, "but there are priceless treasures down

A Clinton family friend late on Sunday called the concerns groundless and

"Who in their right mind would ever accuse the First Lady of stealing from
the White House?... This is absolutely hateful!"

The Clinton friend says the First Family will furnish their new house with
private funds.

"The first lady is looking forward to the move and the experience of
decorating her new home," said the friend.

Filed by Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant
(c)DRUDGE REPORT 1999 [/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Hell, I'd vote to give them the entire Lincoln Bedroom if they would both leave right now and take AG with them! Besides, they've defiled the LB by allowing their filthy friends to use it anyway.
The place is going to have to be fumigated anyway. Who, in their right mind, would want to move in until all those clinton cooties were totally eradicated?
I'm with Mal H, they can take it all if they'll leave now.
Lessee. On "Moving Day", a chopper-load of video cameras recording the loading of the moving van, and the unloading of the moving van at their new home, "DisGraceland"--that's a start.

I wonder what will be on display during the first "house-warming" party?

:), :)

Certainly won't be the first time somebody as well-read as you "scoops" me! ;)

Yeah, this is a day brightener. Just the type of indignity Bill and Hillary so richly deserve. Any bets on how many news outlets this will be picked up in? My bet is zero.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A Clinton family friend late on Sunday called the concerns groundless and hateful".[/quote]

Boo hoo. Shed a tear for the victims of that vast right wing conspiracy.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Who in their right mind would ever accuse the First Lady of stealing from the White House?... This is absolutely hateful!"[/quote]

Got two words for you, Ma'am: "Nannygate" and "Whitewater." Put a wolf in the sheep pen, and nothing good can come of it.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The Clinton friend says the First Family will furnish their new house with private funds.[/quote]

Let's see--one minute, you hear they're in debt up to their ears, and now they're able to afford a $1.4mil home?

By the way, I have also heard that Bill probably won't be moving into the house. I guess he's making good on that remark he made to Monica.


"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
Well, this is pretty funny. You have a 'family friend' who is aghast that someone would actually distrust the Clintons? Oh, please ... let me catch my breath. ;)

These people wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face, and now someone is amazed that some of us don't trust them? Mr. and Mrs. Sleazeball? Give me a break.

Perhaps this preemptive strike will serve a purpose, but there is no question in my mind that these liars would be happy to steal us blind.

I'm not worried about the towels and bedding either ... they've probably been stolen many times over already ... by paying guests. ;)
Our nation's leader in a time of need is a time for a patriotic citizen like myself to respond. Why help them? Because it's the American thing to do. To lend a helping hand. To comfort and console. To aid and abet (opps).

Well, lemme see, I've got a couple of milk crates and a plank. That would make a good makeshift coffee table or even a 1 person bed (they don't sleep together, do they?).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Are they going to make her open her carpet bag? Watch out for jumping clinton cooties!

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
Thanks a lot, guys.

The neighbors just phoned, my wife answered, and they asked, "Is Dennis on that danged TFL again? His hysterical laughter completely drowned out the Public Service Television channel!"

I told them, "No sweat! No charge!" :D :D

Thanks guys. (chuckle, smirk, snorfle!)
(What a bunch of marroons!)