Lawmakers Eye Gun Control As Election Issue

Don Morgan

New member
Sunday June 20 4:35 PM ET

Lawmakers Eye Gun Control As Election Issue

Gun Control Debate

By Andrew Clark

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two days after the House of Representatives failed to pass a controversial gun control bill, lawmakers continued to snipe at each other Sunday over what some expect to be a hot electoral issue.

``I think this is going to be a very powerful issue,'' Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota said on CBS's ``Face the Nation'' television program.

``The Republicans are going to be scrambling. They're going to have a lot of explaining to do next year at this time.''

The House voted 147-280 to defeat the bill after it was altered to require only 24 hours for background checks on people who buy guns at gun shows. A bill narrowly approved by the Senate in May called for a three-day waiting period.

Liberals and moderates who regarded the 24-hour period as too short voted against the bill, as did conservatives from the West and South who do not want new gun laws.

President Clinton again Sunday urged Congress to persevere and close the gun show ``loophole.''

``I think that would make America a less violent place,'' he said in a CNN interview from Cologne, Germany. ``I think there would be less crime with guns if that happened.'' House Majority Whip Tom DeLay of Texas said Democrats were at fault for killing the bill over the background checks when it had still contained most of the other curbs sought by the administration and Democratic leadership.

``The only thing they offered in the debate last week was how much bigger they can build the government,'' DeLay said on ABC's ``This Week'' program. ``They didn't want to address the root causes of what's going on in our culture.''

Republican leaders were able to split the broader juvenile justice bill in the House. While the gun bill failed, they did pass youth crime legislation addressing social conservatives' priorities on culture, values and the Ten Commandments.

The House and Senate must still meld their juvenile justice bills into one single measure. With the House bill silent on guns, it appears unlikely all the Senate language will survive, although Clinton and Democrats will push for that outcome.

``There is a glimmer of hope that we can put it back in conference,'' Daschle said, referring to the gun show curbs.

The drive to shorten the period for background checks was led by Michigan Democrat John Dingell, who worked closely with DeLay while Clinton and other top Democrats were denouncing Republicans as being pawns of the National Rifle Association.

``Like most members of Congress, I did what I thought was right and I'm quite pleased with the consequences of it,'' Dingell said on ``Fox News Sunday.''

Given the power of the NRA, gun votes are risky for many members of Congress. The gun lobby helped Republicans seize control of Congress in 1994, after a Democratic-led Congress passed the Brady gun control law and an assault weapons ban.

``The truth is the gun lobby is very strong in many districts,'' House Democratic leader Richard Gephardt of Missouri said on ``This Week.''

But he said the issue could be an effective political platform for Democrats.

``This is an important issue and it can be run on and it can be won in any district in this country,'' he said.

DeLay said Democrats were using the gun debate to duck the broader social and cultural problems underlying youth violence. The House and Senate juvenile justice bills were propelled by public outrage after the recent high school shootings in Littleton, Colo., by two armed, suicidal teens.

``It is a culture that raises children that kill children,'' DeLay said. ``And it's a culture that we need to change and that's what we tried to do.''

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
Yeah...that echos what Carville said on Meet the Press this morning.

He feels that abortion isn't an issue anymore unless a Buchanan or Smith is the leading opposition. Guns are the issue now days.

Its interesting what he didn't say...i.e. nothing is an issue until the Demos and Libs choose to make it one.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>``This is an important issue and it can be run on and it can be won in any district in this country,'' he [Gephardt] said.[/quote]

Really? Want to try that in my district, SFB?

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Really? Want to try that in my district, SFB?

I don't know where you live, but I don't think he would like to try it in my district either.(GA 9th congressional district)
Oops, shoulda posted that. My congressional district is the state of Alaska.

Bring it, Gephardt.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Please don't take this as patronizing, but all of us need to help out in this debate by sending well-reasoned, logical letters to the editor of our local papers. We need to discuss the issue with friends, family and co-workers so that the public becomes better informed, and understands there are two sides to this debate.

The anti-self defense crowd has been able to run wild lately, and we need to do a better job of bringing logic back into this debate. I've been cranking up Word lately, and I know many of you are as well.

DC et al, what are the best sources you've seen for data and arguments? I'm getting better at this, but there are times I'm stumped for the right source.

We've got to win back the hearts and minds of the rest of America on this if the 2nd is going to survive. I'm convinced that it won't survive if this trend of ignorance continues. IMHO.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited June 21, 1999).]

There are abundant links on my website, on Rat's site.

However, what is most important is that we all become intimately familiar with them and put it in our own words. Your approach in discussing with friends and family and co-workers is right on.....but it will fail if they aren't "hearing it from you"'ve seen the eyes glaze over when you cite Lott or Kopel or FBI stats. As well, we must be able to show "fallout" and potential bad effects. Case in point: the Juvenile Crime Bill...there is a ton of evil stuff in it that has absolutely nothing to do with youth crime.

More and more I'm convinced that we have to be "emotional" as they that I mean allowing your passions and principles show through....dry stats ain't gonna cut it; neither is a 5 min quickie conversation

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Democrats and liberals are always attempting to socially engineer the American way of thinking, by making topics like gun control appear as "main stream". When in fact, they are fabricating their polls, statistics, and ignoring the true facts to suit their agenda to disarm America.

I have found that discussing how these various gun control bills, and those already on the books, go further to increase the size of an already intrusive government and erode our very precious freedoms, gets a person's attention every time. Reminding them how the laws that are already passed, aren't even enforced. Discussing the true reasons why we have 2nd Amendment freedoms, as our founding fathers discussed.
Also, by defining the reason for attacks against "assault weapons" and high capacity magazines, as being nothing more than a scheme to create an ineffectively armed citizenry, who couldn't possibly defend themselves from a well armed army led by a tyrant. This all brings into perspective, an uncomplicated, reasonable approach to throwing the facts back onto the table.

I imagine that besides myself, there were hundreds and thousands of our fellow Americans who have been awaken by this last attempt by the Clinton administration to perpetuate their civilian disarmament agenda so obviously soon after Columbine. We all joined together and bombarded our respective representatives with e-mails, letters, and telephone calls. That is what has made the difference...and yet the liberals continue to ignore the facts.
it tickles me to no end to listen tothe Democraps say it isn't values, it's more laws that are needed, then to hear Algore mention family/values 44 times in the speech announcing his cadidacy.

It really kills me when I think about the irony of the dweebs wanting more laws when they don't enforce the ones they have. People do what you inspect, not what you expect, particularly if it isn't a shared expectation, eh? We've have definitively proven that unenforced laws don't work, I mean getting it in writing is one thing, making it happen is quite another.

Arrrrrrgh, when I'm elected god there will be many changes . . . .M2
I think gun control will prove to be a major issue. The winners will be those with the guts to stand up against it. Even the stupidist sheeple are begining to wonder why gun control hasn't worked.
I know that, at least in my area, that any candidate that comes out loudly opposing gun control will be a sure winner.