Lawful ways to carry without CHL?....


New member
BGs typically don't have the time or the money to apply for a CHL so that they can "legally" do their dirty work. Likewise, but for totally different reasons, decent law-abiding citizens don't get their CHLs either because they feel they don't need or don't want it.

So how do you keep your firearm close to you outside the home, legally, to defend yourself from BGs without becoming a "BG" yourself for illegally carrying a concealed weapon? Is the glove compartment of your vehicle as close as it gets?
Most states don't allow you to transport a weapon in the govebox.

Only way I know to carry legally without a CCW is to carry the weapon in a locked container or open carry.

Can you imagine toting around one of those fast opening pistol safes all the time? Of course the only way it'd be totally legal was if you were on the way to, or from, the shooting range while you were "transporting" the weapon. And if that was the case, why did you take the weapon with you into the grocery store? Let alone why isn't it locked in the trunk of the car.
Anothe good reason for a ccw. You don't have to leave your gun in the car where someone can steal it, thus arming a bad guy. :D
I'm so cruel! I'm sending an old man to that awful, noisy place to get arthritis in his hands! Mwuhahahaha! :D

It's been arranged. Dad's going to get his license this Friday. I think deep down he's excited, well at least from what I gathered over the phone. Or maybe it's just because we're doing something together (long story) :rolleyes:

Thanks all for your input. I was able to settle this in a day :D