Law suit due to aggressive advertising?

Prof Young

New member
Have read somewhere that some law suits (may not be in USA) against gun manufacturers are being allowed to proceed on the basis of aggressive advertising on the part of the manufacturer.

It occurs to me that I don't see any gun advertising apart from gun periodicals. No TV ads, or regular periodical ads, no bill boards, nothing on the internet etc. Where is this supposed aggressive advertising?

Life is good.
Prof Young
Sounds good but

We just don't see any firearm advertising in the general media. You do pretty well have to look to firearms related sources to see firearm advertising.

That said the advertising is generally available in publications that are not restricted in any way.
Nor am I stating they should be restricted, but that is the way the law would see it.
Is an NC-17 rating or whatever going to be showing up on my monthly American Rifleman?
I've seen a few Henry Rifle ads on some cable channels. Don't read enough periodicals except firearm related to know about that. Maybe it is the ads in gun mags?!?
I've always had a hard time buying into the idea that advertising influences anyone in ways that they had not already decided to go.

And I find the idea of suing someone for their advertising (when it is within the applicable legal standards) is nothing more than an attempt to rob people because someone claims they are responsible for other people's bad behavior.

Its a cynical ploy to make money from jurors believing in the deep pockets of the "massive gun industry" and the hugely flawed logic presented, appealing to emotion, and not to reason.

It is the individuals committing crimes that are the only responsible parties, no one else, no matter what else is argued.

Of course, suing them, (if they are even still alive) is small potatoes, they don't have money, and its not a public circus to demonstrate how much some politicians "care" and are "doing something".

They are 'doing something" alright. Something WRONG!

Just my opinion, and worth what you paid for it, or possibly less...:rolleyes: