Law regarding modification of shotguns???


New member
Can anyone here tell me, is there any law against modifying a shotgun by doing something like this?


I saw this and thought it was funny. Then I thought it would be fun to do.

Is a modification like this, basically putting 2 legal shotguns together... legal to do?
haha, I get it... 870 x 2 = 1740

Legality wise, I cant see it being any different than a 2 or 4 shot derringer...

The NFA machine gun "multiple shots per trigger pull" definition comes to mind, but I don't think that it applies in this case...
That's kind of my thinking, but I don't want to build anything illegal. This would be so easy to build. And then you basically have a double barreled pump shot gun.

But when I read stuff like some guy having to defend himself in court because he had a string attached to a trigger allowing for rapid fire ... well. Better to be safe than sorry. It's not worth it for the fun of it.
Wait...OK, let's think about this.

It's LONG been possible to deliver both barrels of a SxS with double triggers. But that's because you have two triggers, and use two different fingers to set 'em both off at once. You're still doing one trigger pull for one shot. Twice.

So far that's not been classed as NFA.

If this critter is a pump with TWO triggers, shouldn't be a problem. (Well, not legally...tactically, you'd want to set off both barrels before racking it otherwise you spit out live ammo.)

But if the triggers are interlinked...oops, yeah, that sounds NFAish to me.

So, you have to somehow make both triggers accessible to the fingers of one hand, either both at once or in sequence. Which probably explains why the two guns are staggered, so that the triggers are not seriously modded but can still be set off one at a time when desired.
Yeah, I'm quoting myself. Deal with it :D:

But if the triggers are interlinked...oops, yeah, that sounds NFAish to me.

Wait...they COULD be interlinked if the interlink set 'em off one at a time, derringer style. It's setting 'em both off at once via the interlink that gets you sunk.
Don't they have double barrel shotguns with one trigger that sets off both at once?

Nope. They have double-trigger guns that can do it. All single trigger double-barrel shottys switch barrels automagically.
So, bottom line is, it's most likely illegal to connect the triggers to fire together.

So ... what if the only thing connecting the triggers is a chubby trigger finger which itself is able to automagically fire both barrels simultaneously? :p

Would that be simply like shooting two guns at once?

Ah well ... I just found the picture funny and started thinking out loud. I'm not gonna waste money on 2 shotguns to make an infernal device like that. :D
I thought some SXS fired one barrel with front trigger then other with rear but if you tripped the rear first, it was both barrels.

My experience is pretty limited but the one side by side I shot had two triggers slightly offset front to back if you pulled the front trigger and just kept pulling your finger would trip the second trigger. Normally you would pull the front trigger, re aim then continue back to fire the second load. If you just pulled hard straight back both barrels would fire with a very very small interval between.
A very gray area

Each gun is firing once, and you are pulling two triggers. You are just pulling them both at the same time.

but I have to wonder, how does the left gun eject?

I thought some SXS fired one barrel with front trigger then other with rear but if you tripped the rear first, it was both barrels.

Not if the gun is in proper working order. Now what usually happens when this seems to occur is that the shooter is pulling the other trigger without consciously realizing it.
44AMP, The left gun is a left handed gun with left side ejection port.
The gun is legal due to 2 serial numbers I reckon.
I think you would be fine as this is two guns bound together. You can always write the ATF firearms technology office and ask their opinion, if you really want to be safe. Also check under your state and local laws. Other than visual effect, the setup seems pointless.
Other than visual effect, the setup seems pointless.
Oh, come now. You've forgotten the all-important auditory effect of racking two slides at once. Maybe it's not quite twice as loud, but it's gotta be twice as scary, don't you think? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Considering the fact that the ATF is now seizing toy guns with delusions of their being able to fire explosive rounds safely... I'm sorry I even jokingly brought up this subject. There's no way in hell I'd even think putting such a weapon together without written permission by the director of the ATF and photograph of them signing the letter. :barf: