"Law Enforcement Alliance of America" going after Klinton...


New member
TFL friends, I want to introduce you to the Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA). The LEAA has been mentioned here before but I felt it important that I emphasize the importance of this organization. It is not just for LEO’s. It is for any and all citizens that believe in “law enforcement” and the right to personal defense. I have been a member for almost a year now. They are a$$ kickers. Here is the LEAA’s charter statement:

“The Law Enforcement Alliance of America is the nation's largest non-profit, non-partisan coalition of law enforcement professionals, crime victims, and concerned citizens united for justice. Together, we fight for legislation at every level of government that reduces violent crime while preserving the rights of all citizens, particularly the right of self-defense. LEAA strives to keep political debate focused on criminal behavior and criminal punishment, and to communicate the shared opinion of the majority of law enforcement that gun control is not effective crime control.”

As a member you will receive a quarterly magazine similar but superior to, IMO, the NRA’s American Guardian. There is real substance to this publication – legislation (good & bad), efforts to promote pro-Second Amendment issues, factual information on how the LEAA publicly proves Klinton’s statements and policies as wrong and “outright lies” and lobbying influence in Washington. The LEAA publicly calls Klinton a liar. The LEAA publicly repeats that law enforcement officers in America DO NOT support more gun control. The LEAA also writes supporting papers for important Second Amendment court cases.

This organization is real and will is very influential. Those of you who complain about the NRA (I do too), here’s your chance to support a no-compromise organization that Klinton will have great difficulty combating. Think about it, Klinton is always droning on about how “police officers want more gun control” – What can he now say, publicly, when a large organization of law enforcement officers says, “No Mr. Prezident, we DON’T want any more gun control. Klinton is always praising the LEO community. It will be very difficult for him to switch his tune and suddenly oppose and publicly ridicule them as he does the NRA. Klinton has given the Law Enforcement community great credibility – himself! Hard for him to attack now…

Please support the LEAA. Send a donation, become a member. I believe this is one of the most publicly visible and effective organizations we can support because THEY ALREADY HAVE CREDABILITY.

Pass this information on. Distribute to as many as possible. No excuses – join NOW.



Join GOA, NRA, LEAA and vote.
Thanks for the post. I regularly donate to local law enforcement, but I think an organization like this would really put my money to good use.
Consider me "joined"!

Happiness is a tight group!

I agree with CMOS. I joined LEAA in 1991 and became a Life Member in 1995.

There have been orgnizations who have tried to degrade LEAA by commenting that "anyone can join!" That's true!

The LEAA is NOT a police union! It has only the agenda that CMOS stated above. I will back LEAA all the way.

Rob (one of our Administrators) summed it up well with his post of 7/8/99 11:57AM

The leadership of the LEAA (and the staff especially) are some of the most
knowledgable people on the issue of firearms that are working in DC. The small
staff is dedicated 100% to our cause and the cause of all LEOs... Justice and
Freedom being right up there at the Tipity Top.

The LEAA has had one pet bill that they wrote 7 years ago that they finally got
before the house of Representatives a few weeks ago. The measure was supported
by over 88% of the House. They are not politically ignorant and they are definitely
not uninspired.

I have worked right there with them in Washington and know of what I speak. In
fact, I am so impressed with the LEAA that I am running for a spot on their board of
directors this year.

Your vote would be appreciated.
LEAA Life Member

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 02, 1999).]