Lautenberg's anti-gun travesty goes before the Supreme Court this fall


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The Lautenberg amendment has annoyed me since it became law in 1996. This law stripped American Citizens of their rights, including the right to bear arms for mere misdemeanors. It is also retroactive. Finally a case challenging this travesty will go before the Supreme Court this fall.

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Worst anti Second Amendment law ever passed

This Lautenberg is a leftiest Socialist (NJ of course). This law is so very unconstitutional, I am amazed it was passed and then not immediately struck down by the Supreme Court. How can someone lose their 2nd Amendment constitutional right for a misdemeanor conviction? Any man can get into an argument with his wife and all his wife has to do is call the Police and then claim he hit her and he said he would shoot her with his gun in the closet. The overzealous leftist police (NJ is full of them) show up and sure enough, find a gun in the closet and arrest the husband and he most likely gets charged by the leftist prosecutors office and convicted by leftist jurors/judge and loses his gun rights for life. What a mockery of America's so called "Freedom". The biggest joke of all is the US Supreme Court for allowing such garbage. The US Supreme Court is supposed to be the check against the leftist NJ judicial system. :barf:
There was some good in the Lautenberg BS

Sorry I was to see it passed, but glad I was to see it passed in the form it was. The only good thing about the Lautenberg amendment is that for the first time, major gun rights restricting laws were passed without making any exception for the police or the military!

The 94 AWB contained money for more police, and the Clintons made political hay by claiming they put "thousands" of more cops on the street. And the Lautenberg bill took "thousands" of cops off the street! Cops, as a group have a higher than average rate of domestic problems (the stress, no doubt), which often includes domestic violence. Back in the day when it was not such a big deal, many cops wound up pleading to a minor domestic violence charge, getting light punishment, and moving on with their lives.

Since the Lautenberg amendment not only did not exempt cops or military, it was retroactive (ex post facto) in effect, it meant that many police and military members were now prohibited by law, not only from owning a gun, but even from carrying one on duty! All for misdemeanor incidents, often in the distant past! Everyone should thank the good senator from NJ for that (as well as the idiots that voted to pass that particular piece of legislatative feces)!

I condemn the law for what it did to otherwise honest citizens, Americans should not be stripped of any Constitutional right for a misdemeanor crime (no matter what it is), but a part of me has to applaud it for being completely fair to everyone it screwed. We have so many gun control laws that have special provisions for LEO and military personel, as if they were somehow more deserving of rights than ordinary citizens just because of the job they have that in this regard at least, the lautenberg amendment was (sort of) a breath of fresh (actually foul) air.

I do hope that when this does get to the high court they will see their way clear to overturn it, as it is a horrid thing that violates long standing judicial principles, as well as basic constitutional rights.
This is an example of why the North East is one of the slowest growing population centers while the South (More free) is among the fastest.
This is an example of why the North East is one of the slowest growing population centers while the South (More free) is among the fastest.

LOL...complex demographics reduced to an agenda driven soundbite

WildiloveitAlaska ™