NPR reports the Lautenberg gun amendment will BYPASS the House Judiciary Committee and simply wait for the vote on the whole Juvenille Justice bill. That means NO DEBATE, and NO CHANGES! Get on the horn today and try to put a stop to this. Email for the Republicans is has all the info on contacting your own reps by PHONE, FAX, EMAIL, and LETTER. Do it all, join the NRA and GOA, and maybe we can salvage something here. BVT
Call your representative NOW! Tell them to oppose the juviline justice bill - HR 2037.
Call at least once a day!

The toll-free number for the U.S. Capitol Switchboard is 888-449-3511
(or the regular number is: 202-224-3121)
Ask for your representative’s office. Tell them to oppose this bill, and any other anti-second ammentment legislation.

For the full text of the bill go here:
It does't do any good to voice your opinion to any politician anymore: I have called, e-mailed and sent letters, the staffers filter out the responses after the fact and send a canned response after the vote sometimes it has been two weeks after the vote. What we need is a good old fashioned march on Wahington and in every state capital, let them see us, obviously they don't hear us. Kinda reminds me of the 4 monkeys in office, see not, hear little, speak seldom and c.y.a.
Gunfounder - Well, staffers should not filter out messages! Hopefully at least they keep a tally on who called asking about what bill and if the caller is opposed or support it.

If you don't think they are telling your Rep what you want him to hear, try this:

Call and ask for the Senator/Rep by name. Tell the staffer you want to have lunch with the Rep. I tried this several times - and my Rep actually called me back. However, once he found out I just wanted to have lunch and "shoot the bull", he did not want to meet me. BUT at least I got to talk to him and he listened!

Better yet, tell them you may want to make a donation & to have the rep call you.
Or you might try telling the rep to leave a message for them... something like... the plane crashed but everyone is alright... leave your name and number and hangup... worked for me.

Love it, what did they want to know? Where to get the insurance money. Can't believe that a politician would be responsive to anything else so fast.
My understanding was this is a strategy to keep Anti-gun types from getting another chance to grand stand in front of the cameras before the actual vote. I suppose it will keep anti types from griping about how debate is being coordinated by the NRA.