
Rob Pincus

New member
CNN just ran a piece feauring Lautenberg and Durbin speaking about a new bill that is being introduced to have the Federal Gov't join the municipal law suits in trying to get money for "damages" from the manufacturers.

CNN gave a representative of "a coalition of gun manufacturers" (maybe NSSF? I missed who is was..) a few moments and he got to make the point that these senators (those introducing the bill) were known to be Anti-Gun and htat this action was just another attempt to further their agenda.

CNN also "criticized" the GOP for leaving gun issues off of their legislative agenda for the year entirely. They did not give names, but quoted one "GOP Leader" as saying that Gun issues were a "fight to the death that lead nowhere."

This whole thing was, from my point of view, neutral of maybe even ANTI-Law Suit against the industry.

There is hope in the media.

Are there any pro 2nd Amendment talking heads in the national media? How can we cultivate any who are? Any chance of developing any who are? Does anyone here know any journalists working for major media?
I know a few of them. Most of them are closet shooters. Kokie Roberts is a closet shooter and her family is into hunting in a big way. In fact, her brother was interviewed last week on 60 minutes for quite a long segment. He is a lobbyist in Washington.

Also, There is a "pundit" who is a regular on CNN who is a closet shooter and admitted gun carrier.

There is not much future in spouting off during an unrelated interview about gun control, but these people are highly placed members of the media who do not have an anti-gun agenda.
I would not expect much from "Chicken Noodle News" Network. As far as Senator Lousenburgh, he's a master at the art of pandering.
Well, the Boggs/Roberts team has probably introduced more washingtonians to hunting than another person or group in the last 30 years, with the possible exception of congressman Brewster.

Bill Brewster started the Congresional Sportsman's Caucus (see their web page). It is a preo-hunting/shooting/conservation group of senators and representatives.

His wife Suzy is also a big hunter and encourages women to get involved (congressional wives, etc..)

As for the other talking head, h I doubt he has much effect on anyone, if he bothers to talk baout it at all. He is more representative of the hypocritical type of gun person in Washington.. AS long as he has his gun and he feels he can get away with it, to hell with the rest of us.
I'm not even going to tell you what kind of gun he has.. but he probably bought it on a street corner.
re: Bill to blame the Gun Industry

When I heard about this on the radio last night I .....practically......puked!

Keep watch on this one and start the letter campaign NOW.