Latest WACO revelation


New member
Oh boy, ANOTHER investigation into the debacle that was, is and will forever remain, WACO. This latest to be run by Dept. of Justice and or The FBI, one wonders as to exactly or even approximately what sort of "results" might be obtained, and once said results are obtained, what will be done with them?

Next thought, not really "new" as others have discussed it, Professor Tribe's newest book, or edition thereof. He has studied or looked closely at The Second Amendment, and seemingly finds new meanings therein. That is truly great, but I wonder re the following.

The term "the people" appears therein, as it does in several other locations or parts of the Bill of Rights. In each of these other locations, the term "the people" has been taken to mean or refer to INDIVIDUALS. In The Second Amendment however,it magically comes to have a "collective" meaning.

Now I do not have anything like the educational background of Dr. Tribe, and make no such claim, but I can read. The poeople who wrote the first ten amendments could too, and in their day, they certainly were educated men, likely they would be so today too.

Do those who seek to peddle the collective view of The Second Amendment really expect people today to accept that the men who wrote The Bill of Rights, could not find the words to say what they actually ment, remember the the writers were educated men.

While the fact that Tribe "has seen the light", or perhaps seems to have so seen, I wonder as to what took him so long, certainly not a lack of education, and nobody ever claimed that he was stupid either. As to the harsh criticism that he is or may receive, a result of his newly found understanding, he will perhaps, at first hand, learn exactly how intolerant some "liberals" can be. I believe that this possibilite has already been mentioned by others.