Latest Tactic of the Anti-Gun Crowd: Outrageous Billboards!!


Has everyone heard of the latest tactic of the organization, STOP HANDGUN VIOLENCE??

They are putting up gaudy big neon billboards in Massachusetts that attack gun shows. Here is what the billboard looks like:


How unreasonable or unfair is that??

Here is a news article all about this development from ABC News:

Hey, I was just in Boston - and had a great time.

However, on the cab trip to the hotel from the airport, I saw a big sign that the NRA controls the President and Congress so call this number!

I doubt that Wintermute's figures are correct across the country. At TX shows the vast majority of tables are licensed dealers and I see not that many folks walking around with private guns to compare to the large number of dealers.
And just what do you really expect from the communistwealth that has given us the Kennedys for 50+ years? Fasten your seatbelts boys and girls, it's going to be a rough ride and only get worse. Just what is it you dumbocrats don't feel comfortable doing until you have disarmed us all? Suspend all elections? Tax us into penury? Detain indefinitely all members of the NRA? Gitmo vacations for gunowners? What is it?
Hey, I was just in Boston - and had a great time.
However, on the cab trip to the hotel from the airport, I saw a big sign that the NRA controls the President and Congress so call this number!

That's the same billboard, this is just the newest anti-gun message, in a long line of anti-gun messages that have been displayed there for the last two decades. The property is owned by that super lefty wanker Rosenthal. The Kremlin Kritters in the Peoples Republik of Meninostan have no problem with this, so it's allowed to be displayed. But heaven forbid anyone ever attempt to put up a Pro-Gun message and the local Stasi would tear it down in an instant.
The next billboard should be: Jews being shot in front of mass graves and the text "Guns should be banned so evil politicians can do this in complete safety".
The next billboard should be: Jews being shot in front of mass graves and the text "Guns should be banned so evil politicians can do this in complete safety".

Clearly they are comparable.
How about a billboard that says:

Name three United States terrorists that used a gun.

(Malvo was not a terrorist- he was trying to make money- and I believe he stole his rifle)
How much work would it be to deactivate that? Unplug it? Neon tubes are pretty fragile and expensive to replace too. :D
How much work would it be to deactivate that? Unplug it? Neon tubes are pretty fragile and expensive to replace too.

Convince some homeless people that there is lots of copper in the sign and it's really easy to remove.