Latest on Kalifornia SKS Buyback Program


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This is an article out of the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA)most recent newsletter (The Firing Line). CRPA has worked with NRA vigorously opposing all State and local legislation designed to discourage hunting and the use of firearms for recreation and self-defense. Check out their internet site:

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(Reprinted from the January 2000 issue)

The California Department of Justice's SKS Buyback Program ( set to expire on 1/1/2000, is getting dismal response. According to a recent story by the Associated Press, only about 350 of the rifles have been turned in for the State cash voucher. Many more are apparently being removed from the State by their owners.

The program is designed to compensate people who bought SKS "Sporter" Rifles, which come equipped with a detachable magazine. The DOJ said for years that these guns were legal, then changed its mind when Lungren got political pressure from an LA Times piece.

Now the DOJ is confused again, because CRPA lawyers have recently asked the department to clarify whether an SKS that has the magazine spot welded into the receiver (so it is not a prohibited "SKS with detachable magazine") is an "Assault Weapon" or not. The letter in response says the DOJ cannot provide legal advice. Really!! With several hundred lawyers on staff? Truth is, the DOJ knows the SKS fiasco is a no win situation for them, so apparently they would rather let people be prosecuted for accidentally possessing these guns than take the lead on an issue they are supposed to be responsible for.

If you are from Kalifornia, this is one organization you should belong to. The newsletters are informative and you are involved with brothers in freedom and the Constitution. Join today, it is only $18.00.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.

Maybe Bill Lockyer will realize he is completely and totally incompetent for his job...perchance telemarketer is more his speed.

Lockyer will lose and lose his stones if he pushes county turned in 9 SKS.

Bite me Billy and now you can join the working class.....those who can castrate yer sorry ass.

Let's rock!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Go DC go!

Golly, I'm glad we are on the same side. And Billy, you can engage your dental arch with your maseters on me as well! :)
The CA State Attorney General cannot provide legal advice? Excuse me, but what about that body of text called Attorney General Opinions? Gee, I thought I saw it in a law library and virtually every AG has issued an opinion on some issue for the benefit of the courts, police, or whatever. CA really elected a wiener to office (I didn't vote for him or Feinstein, Boxer or Pelosi).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt