Latest judicial terrorism


New member
Where is the national outrage at the White House support for the ludicrous, frightening, wrong, totalitarian attitude of the HUD thugs wanting to sue the HEAVILY REGULATED gun industry?

Have we become a nation of happy fat cats, purring, half awake, at the diddling finger of Big Brother? Have we become too engrossed by our Christmas Shopping to turn a blind eye and a shrugging shoulder to the vicious encroachment of our rights? Have we been so successfully indoctrinated by our pernicilus national media that, as long as we have a "booming economy" and enough plastic in our wallets, everything else, including God, morals, values and Liberty can be fed to the dogs?

Sadly, the answer seems to be "yes".

The more time passes, the more our Original Values are being pushed into the corner of ideological obsolescence, so much that Conservatism is now perceived by the masses as "a step back". Under the false and dangerous axiom that newer is necessarily better, we have come to prefer collective dependence to individualism, delegation to initiative, just-do-it impulsiveness to Christian self-restraint and voluntary, responsibility-free enslavement to conscious and responsible Freedom.

Please, for all that it may be worth it, write an e-mail to our presicent )small-caps intended) and let him know that these kind of harrassment tactics on a legitimate industry do not go down well with voters. That after all, the gun-industry is already compliant with the BATF, government-imposed rules. That it is the third time, after tobacco and Microsoft, that the administration uses this constitutionally dubious means of furthering their agenda and that VOTERS ARE TAKING NOTES.

Be intellectual, be polite, steer clear from the danger of being classified as an ignorant buck-toothed redneck (which all gun-owners are, in their eyes); but be firm and let them know that WE BELIEVE IN OUR CONSTITUTION AND WE VOTE.

Then write your own congressmen and senators and let them know how you feel about all this!!!!!!!

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.

If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.