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House to Vote on DC Gun Laws

"Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives have agreed to allow a vote next month on a bill that would end local handgun control in the District, making it easier for D.C. residents to acquire pistols, including semiautomatics, while eliminating the strict handgun-storage requirements imposed by the city," reports The Washington Post. "Supporters say the bill has a good chance of passing the House, where pro-gun measures are popular. But it is unclear whether it would succeed in the Senate, where complex rules make it harder to push through legislation."

Bob Levy, Cato senior fellow in constitutional studies and co-counsel to Mr. Heller, comments: "The Supreme Court ruled in June that three provisions of Washington, D.C.'s gun laws are unconstitutional. The city has responded with new regulations -- one of which is a flagrant end-run around the Court's opinion, and others of which are clear violations of the spirit, if not the letter.

"The Constitution gives Congress plenary power over all legislative matters in the federal city. Most of that authority has since been delegated to the D.C. government. But home rule is not a license to violate the Constitution, as the D.C. city council clearly has done. It is now time for the U.S. Congress to get into the act. Over the years, our elected representatives have adopted a court-centric view of the Constitution -- a view that decisions about constitutionality are properly left to the judiciary. But members of Congress also swear to uphold the Constitution. Congress can make good on that oath by restoring the right of Washington, D.C. residents to possess functional firearms in their homes."

For more information:
Cato Weekly Video: Robert A. Levy details what's next in the fight for Second Amendment rights.
Cato Weekly Video: Robert A. Levy evaluates District of Columbia v. Heller.