Latest Aussie crime figures: gun prohibition a fraud

Australian Broadcasting Commission News Online this afternoon.


Australia's murder rate fell 12 per cent last year but the rates of assault, sexual assault and armed robbery have all increased.

According to figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Northern
Territory has the nation's highest murder rate, at eight people per 100,000,
compared to the national average of 1.5 people per 100,000.

The rate of armed robbery increased nationally by 20 per cent, with a rise
in all States and Territories.

Assistant Australian Federal Police Commissioner Bill Stoll says while the
use of firearms in robberies has declined, knives and other weapons are in
common use.

"It's always been historically the case that the weapon of choice is a knife
or a cutting instrument," he said.

"We've had some recently where the offenders have used saws, so it has always really been a weapon of choice."



Pardon me? If "cutting instruments" have always been the wepaon of choice, why in God's name did we have several hundred thousand of our firearms forcibly taken from us and crushed?

Why have shooters been vilified in the media as "potential murderers"?

Why are we (shooters) abused and our cars spat at in public?

Why are the shooting sports totally hamstrung by draconian laws and mind-numbing regulations?

Can we now say, very loudly: WE TOLD YOU SO!!!

Someone has been conned!!

Unfortunately, Bruce, the "con" may well continue. Now they will find a need to ban all sorts of knives, and you'll have to show ID to go to a hardware store and purchase a saw. Can't have any dismemberments in the heat of the moment, can we? They have to do it, Bruce, for the children, you see.

Now, how does all the firearm legislation be proven a sham, exposed to the public without the courtesy of the grubmint spin doctors having their way with the data, and the laws rescinded?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
The laws won't be rescinded (unless the citizenry goes ballistic) because crime prevention was never the true intent.

Crime prevention is merely a rational excuse...the intent, purely and simply, is to disarm the citizenry to render them harmless to the gov' ifs ands or buts.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Bless you, DC, for saying that, you couldn't be more correct.

After all, if guns caused crime do you think Bubba would actually have guards armed with real automatic wepons?

Is that the sound of fleecing shears I hear?

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Thanks, DC, that's the response I was looking for. Sometimes cynicism doesn't translate well to written words, the inflection and dripping sarcasm of the spoken word is needed.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.