Last Week's Law & Order

Futo Inu

New member
I don't see this topic anywhere, so I hope it's not a duplicate....

Did anyone see the total anti-gun horse manure last Wednesday on Law & Order. The rabidly anti-freedom Dick Wolf tweaked the show a little at the end by having the judge overrule the jury, who had voted to hold the gun manufacturer liable CRIMINALLY for selling a gun knowing criminals were converting it to full auto, blah, blah. He only tempered the rest of the show which was totally anti-gun by doing this, in order to steer clear of the inevitable accusation of his political unfairness. He can still point to the outcome of the fictional trial, which was in favor of the gun manufacturer, yet he still got his message across: "Potential jurors out there, you will think and act like the fictional jurors on the show, holding gun manufacturers liable civilly, because of your outrage at them 'not taking responsibility' for the bloodshed".

At any rate, my specific question is this: One of the more glaring anti-gun scenes was where the detectives tracked down the FFL dealer who was operating out of his house, who had illegally sold a firearm via mail to the mass public murderer; when he admitted this to the detectives, they pointed to his FFL on the wall and told him "You can say goodbye to that license", to which the FFL holder replied (paraphrase) "Are you kidding. That's just a traffic ticket from the BATF". Sooooo, IS THIS TRUE or anti-gun crap as I suspect? ADMIT you sold a gun without the proper forms, VIA MAIL, and it's a traffic ticket?!
Utter bull****. Trust in your instincts next time, my son. . .


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"
Writing to the network might be more constructive that "preaching to the choir". Writing to the sponsors of the show might have even more impact, on "the bottom line". Personally, I offered some comments to the network, technical and non-technical, along with the suggestion that "If they wanted to stand on a soapbox, there was more room in Central Park". Have not had a reply, but then I didn't expect one.

Actually, and I could be wrong, I think that the judges overturning the jury verdict was more important than you seem to think.
Believe me, I'm going to give them a piece of my mind for the outright misrepresentation, once I find out if it is indeed a clear misrepresentation (i.e. selling an illegal gun results in keeping the FFL with only a "traffic ticket"). I just don't know, which is why I'm asking. I have always enjoyed the show (dammit!) for its realism, especially with respect to the legal issues and prosecutorial shenanigans. So I want to find out if the representation about FFL holders is clearly out of line with the show's usual (close to) reality. If so, I will definitely call them to task for it. That's one complaint the producers might consider as legitimate - pointing out an utter fraud like this, if it is. Now Gwinny has said it's complete crap, but I would sure like to have a little more detail from an FFL holder as to how/why it's complete crap (i.e. specifics). I'm not preaching to the choir (well, I am) - but my main goal here is to obtain a fact. TIA.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited September 28, 1999).]
Futu. I used to watch Law and Order all the time. Even the reruns on A&E. Finally though, I got fed up with all the anti-gun crap they put out, and refuse to watch it. I also try, with some success to dissuade my friends from watching it also. I wrote the network telling them why I quit watching the show, and let them know I found their position offensive to me. They never answered, and I don't watch.
Paul B.
I'll call my dad tonight. He had an FFL until our gunshop closed down and he ought to be able to give me specifics. If anyone else knows, please post and help out. Futo, no problem buddy, I wouldn't want to go ballistic on somebody without facts to back it up either. I consider it a good sign about you.