last night....


Staff Alumnus
I bought another Glock <shhhhhhhhh>

I bought the G23 and now it sits alongside my G30. Now I need to get a Sidearmor holster for it. It's a niffty little .40 Don't tell the fine folks over at!

We'll see how it shoots this evening.
Time to change your sig line, Son. 1911 . . . and Glocks as the only true emergency response tools.

Come on, boys. Go polymer. Everybody is doing it. You'll like it, honest. And . . . of course, we'll respect you in the morning. :)
I must admit, I like the no frills nature of this lil Glock. Plus, it has an accessories rail. Now what accessory should I buy for it that I'll end up never using?
My shootin' buddy has a Tac Light on his USP45. It is the coolest thing since sliced bread. He brought it when we went camping and it lit up the entire campground. He uses his USP45 as a house gun and the light works great in that role. Good Luck, J. Parker
I've owned...

...four G23's. Just absolutely one of the sweetest all-around packages in pistoldom. Big enough to compete with, small enough to tote, a bore size that starts with "4", capacity like a 9mm, the new ones have that nifty little accessory rail for bolting doodads and gizmos on.

This is one of those guns that is, like the Colt Commander and the "Trapper" length Winchester carbines, just a darn near perfect complete package.