Last Match Of 2001


New member
Come join us in sunny Vermont on DECEMBER 9th for an exciting wrap-up to another great year of fierce USPSA competition. Our club, Green Mountain Practical Shooters, will be hosting its 'snow match' Sunday the 9th, in Morrisville Vermont. Bring ammo. Squads start at 9:00 and noon. $20. All invited, friendly crew, newbies welcome! We honor all divisions; trophies, cash, free shoots, seniors, L.E., Ladies, juniors!

Maps and contact info all over our site at

Snowing as I type this; getting ready to go shooting!

Got an inch maybe two already, and IT'S SNOWING (that's SNOWING for all you no-snow types).
Slows down the fleet of foot, makes good guns puke (laughing at Glocks, Berettas, etc. today!), and lotsa cold fingers make for limp-wristed poor-gripped errant-shot pistols today.

And the whining! "It's too cold" "I can't feel my fingers/feet/nose/ears/waa waa waa.........."

Only chance old people have to score near the top LOL.......

9x21 EAA Witness 2-port, no glass, drawing from Galco Yaqui Slide (easy to grip from, close to warm body, NO CHANCE of dislodging unlike my 'normal' Gilmore), C Open USPSA, B Open club.

(Or maybe my 1911, or one of my GP's, or .....I won't know till I'm there.....LOL)

"I'm goin' in!"

Done better, done worse, ONE FRIGGIN MIKE.

(Nice day, snow and wind and cold, interesting gun failures hahahahahahahahahaha! Not mine, natch.)

Loopy from heavy drug use (I got clean for match Sunday - pain medicine), but still adequate, huh? 'Cause you can't pick your time in the real world.........


Missed all you strangers, so you ALL better make the AWARE (GMPS holding this charity match in 2002, will fill fast! Check USPSA site for info.).