Laserlyte Laser Training system


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Has anyone on here used the Laserlyte Laser Training system?

  1. Did you like it?
  2. Which target system did you use, the TLB-1 or the less expensive one, the TLB-RT?

This seems to me to be a great idea, even when lots of ammo is available everywhere. If this performs as the ads say, I could shoot everyday.

Also, useful for showing friends who are just starting a safe way to shoot/practice, an option or additional method to using SNAP CAPS.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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The lasers work great- I use 3x5 cards covered with reflective tape for targets- when hit with the laser light, the tape reflects the light.
I have the LTB-1 target and training cartridges for several calibers. I got the target for Fathers Day last year. I find the system easy to use, and I have saved a bundle by using it instead of using live ammunition. I think my speed and skill have improved, as well. I had a problem with one cartridge, and LaserLyte responded promptly and effectively to handle the matter for me. I recommend this system.
Do you recall about 20 years ago Daisy had a laser target system. It was a lot cheaper, but I never got one back then. If I recall correctly, under $100 got you six cartridges and a target. Big drawback, in my opinion was the inability to adjust point of impact of the laser beam.

Keep in mind that there are two Laserlyte designs. One goes in the chamber and is activated by the firing pin strike. This requires one for every caliber you shoot and multiple if you want double-tap capability with a revolver. The other is sound-activated, goes in the barrel and fits multiple calibers.

The targets used with either design are the same.

I saw the Laserlyte system in a Sportsman's Warehouse a couple of weeks ago, so I started thinking again. I hesitated to buy because the light and the target added up to fully half the cost of a new gun. So, I decided to do some research.

Apparently, the Laserlyte device (the one where the laser device is in the barrel and activated by the sound of the hammer/striker falling) is the only one that works with revolvers without having one laser cartridge for each chamber. A big plus for me, especially since I shoot a variety of guns, 9mm, 45 ACP, .357 Magnum, 44 Magnum and 45 Colt mostly and my friend has a 500 S&W and his wife, a 380 Auto. The one Laserlyte could fit all these guns.

A large minority of reviews were unfavorable for a couple of reasons.

There is no off switch and the batteries drain over time. Taking the end piece off is difficult because of the very tiny and shallow threads which are very easy to cross-thread.

Sometimes the laser seems to stay on at a low level constantly, draining the batteries even faster.

Sometimes the sound-actuation quits working.

The caliber adaptation plug on the end should be easier to adjust.

On the good side,

It does not stick out the front of your gun all that far, so in most cases allows the use of your regular holster.

It is the only system that reasonably adapts to revolvers.

Their replacement policy under warranty is pretty good.

I want one. I just want a little more durability, and maybe point of impact adjustment.

I am composing an email to the company suggesting some improvements; the sound-activated device could install in a revolver in the forcing cone. It would be activated not by sound, but by impact from or electrical contact with a rod in the center of a dummy cartridge. Such a cartridge & rod would be simple and cheap enough to have one in every chamber.

Good luck.

Lost Sheep

p.s. Danxyz53, I wondered when I watched Laserlyte's videos if reflective targets would work as well. Thanks for doing the field work to answer my question. After I read your post I suddenly thought that if you made targets with rings of colored reflective tape or paint (green for a center dot, red for a ring around the center, blue for a ring of larger diameter around the red ring and yellow beyond that) you could have quite a shooting gallery with easy scoring.
I have a TLB-1 and cartridge. Unfortunately, the cartridge is just a hair off of straight. So, my shots cluster just off the actual point of aim. It's annoying, but not terrible, as I know what the error is. It's good for presentation and dry-fire. I wouldn't say it can replace actual range time though.
raimius said:
I have a TLB-1 and cartridge. Unfortunately, the cartridge is just a hair off of straight. So, my shots cluster just off the actual point of aim. It's annoying, but not terrible, as I know what the error is. It's good for presentation and dry-fire. I wouldn't say it can replace actual range time though.
I suspect that if you note the orientation of the cartridge and apply some shims of masking tape you might be able to adjust the POI of the laser beam.

Let me know how it works out, please. I have sent an email to Laserlyte with my solutions to two of the problems I know of, but the POI is one that I have not been able to think of a practical solution yet. Other than the adhesive tape shims idea.

Lost Sheep
My wife and I bought an OCAT laser training system. Far more sophisticated than the Laserlyte but is is more money. The system works with both laser and live fire. We sell concealed carry holsters and accessories for women and will be using it as part of presentations and in conjunction with classes at which we participate.

It's $495 for the basic laser training system which includes a LaserAmmo SureStrike set to which they added additional caliber adaptors. Out of the box it covers 9,40, 45 and 223. That alone is a $200 set so really the OCAT software and hardware package is $295. To that we added a .38 cartridge for use with our snubbies.

We just recently got it set-up. There's a lot to learn - it's feature rich. The system was developed by software guys who are primarily shooters themselves. We met them at a gun show in Colorado Springs where they're based. My wife asked if they were working on a golf version and they said no...they're shooters :-). They are working on adding moving target capacity and said they hope to have it available in fall with their goal being a moving target system for under $1,000.

If considering it you need to know that while it will work on 32 bit computers it really needs a 64 bit system with 4 gb of memory. Ideally that's in a fairly dedicated system as it takes a whole heap o' system resources to function properly. Fortunately these days a capable 64 bit laptop can be bought used or refurbished for less than $400.

From the time we've had with it so far it's really outstanding - but again there's a lot to learn and we've just scratched the surface. We need to get that dedicated laptop I mentioned for it to work to its best.

You might check it out.

I agree that this would not replace ALL range time, but that it would augment range time; IF it works worth a dang.

I'm luckier than some folks , I have ranges as close as 15 miles. But with the cost of gas, I try to limit those trips.

I want to be able to shoot every single day. I live in an apartment complex. Not too compatible! :)

@Lew Schiller, thanks for the pointer to the OCAT system. That looks really interesting. Thankfully for me in this case, I'm a computer geek. I have a couple of computers that fit your description of what's required.
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POI problems

I have found that rolling the rear O ring out of its groove and reinstalling the O ring before each practice helps keep the POI in line with the sights.