Laser training bullets?


New member
I keep seeing the ads for these and they've got me interested, especially for my LCP and other small handguns. I'm thinking it would be great for training with point shooting or for a difficult to shoot pistol while at home.

Has anyone been using them and have you noticed if it's helped improve your performance when using live ammunition?

And if there's any confusion as to what I'm talking about, watch the video below
I have one of the early Beamhit types that just lets you know when you are in the black of its special target. They make fancier ones up through LEO and military training systems that locate your bullet holes and send the info to your computer for printing.

The iTarget you linked to and the Strikeman brand both look pretty much the same. I like the cellphone recording. One of Beamhit's advanced systems appears to use a smartphone on a tripod, too.

With a single-action gun, like a 1911, you have to cock the gun every time same as in any dry fire except the CO2-operated units that run the slide for you. With a DA semi-auto, the iTarget and Strikeman would work like the Beamhit does, AFAICT. Where the Beamhit shines is in a revolver. A revolver would require one of the I-target lasers for every chamber in the cylinder. The Beamhit lasers mount in the muzzle and are triggered by picking up the hammer fall, so they are really the better choice for revolvers, as you then need only one laser.

I am wondering if the Beamhit laser wouldn't work with the i-Target/Strikeman cell phone application?
I have one in 9mm from Hits Arms that works as a laser indicator. It is intended to be used with any of several smart phone apps to record and save your virtual "groups." I am generally not into apps on my phone, so I haven't yet experimented with any of the apps, but I intend to at some point. Without the app, I consider the laser bullet itself to be pretty much useless -- a novelty, at best.
There was no situation where I would not use the app, it records the groups and from their I can figure out what I need to do to improve.

With the distances I'm stuck with inside the house (10 yards at best) I don't see much benefit to shooting larger handguns. Sadly they don't make any for .32, probably too small, so it would only be .380 and .38 I could see a use for.

Am I thinking smart here? Like, it makes sense to train with guns I intend to carry the most, yes? That would be the LCP, snub revolvers, maybe the Taurus Judge that I can use a chamber adapter to be able to use the laser bullets.