Laser trainers that allow multiple shots w/o racking slide on striker fired pistol?

The activator is a pressure switch. Unless you have a real DAO or traditional SA/DA or one of them double-strike capable striker pistols - no dice.
No, the issues is the need to reset the striker, not any issue with the laser trainer.

If you have a Glock, you can look at this:

It's a training mag that resets the trigger after every shot.

You can also buy a laser pistol (LaserLyte, SIRT) with a resetting trigger. These are realistic-ish enough to get some good practice. I actually do most of my practice with a LaserLyte pistol. I also have their training insert that I use on my actual handgun, at home and at the range (I find using it at the range lets you practice your shots before taking them, plus it fills up the time some so you don't just run through a box of ammo and then get bored again).
I purchased a BeamHit laser system years ago and found it effective for dry fire training, however, I didn't like the fact that you have to cycle the slide for each shot on Glock type firearms. Since I EDC a Glock most of the time, this is a big drawback for me.

I next picked up a SIRT pistol. Works pretty well, very Glockish feel, but the trigger isn't quite the same.

I recently got a reset trigger kit for Glock from the Glock store. You replace the standard trigger and firing pin assemblies and you can get it with a laser module that fits in the chamber. The trigger feels very close to a standard Glock, though the firing pin strikes with much less force than OEM parts. Your gun can easily be restored to original configuration. It is a bit pricey, but it is the best that I've come across so far.