Laser Range Finders


New member
I'm looking into buying a new range finder. It will be one of the new laser models but I need some help figuring out which one. I don't need the most expensive model but I also want a good one too. Here in Ohio I'll only be out shooting ground hogs early spring to mid summer. So this will not be a all year around type of hunting. Most of my shots will probably be under the 300 yard mark. I hope this gives you an idea of the type of hunting I'll be using it for. Any help will be appriciated.
Range Finders

I have a Bushnell Yardage Pro 400. It is accurate +/- 1 yard. Works great. I think there least costly model now works up to 500 yds, if I'm not mistaken. Bought mine for $ 180.00 from Natchez Supply. Should fit your needs.
Laser Range finders

Thanks John. I was at the shooting range yesterday and I ran into someone that had the sameone you do. I believe that one will fill my needs. Thanks for the information.