Laser for Glock 21 ?


New member
I am thinking of getting a laser for my Glock 21.
Anybody have any opinions and/or recommendations as to which brand or type I should get ?

Should I get the kind that:
Attach to the accessory rail ?
Attach to the trigger guard ?
Internal laser that replaces the guide rod ?
Other choices ?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks
What do you plan to use it for? I used to have one that attached to the trigger guard for my G22, but ended up taking it off. My HD gun-G30-has night sights and I keep a flashlight next to it. Lasers can be useful for training (show a flinch in dry fire, etc) and have some limited use in combat, but in daylight they are nearly useless and I took mine off because my shooting using iron sights was suffering as I was getting lazy and just looking at the dot. Bad thing to do if I had to use it NOW and the batteries didn't work or something.

If you want one and you're going to use it for training, just get a cheap laser that attaches to the trigger guard. The others are quite expensive. If you do want to use one for CCW, the lasermax is nice as it doesn't affect the exterior dimensions and you can use your existing holster.
If you have the bucks, I would go with the one that replaces the guide rod. You'll have to make no modifications to the weapon, you won't have to send it out to be fitted, and it should be dialed in as soon as it is installed. It also won't affect any holstering/draw methods. Be sure to let us know what you choose!