Laser Etched Firing Pins


New member
I just finished reading this month’s issue of Discover Magazine. There was an interesting article about the technology involved in laser etching identification marks on the end of a firing pin. Seems some folks have developed the technique and it is now feasible to do. The firing pin leaves an impression on the spent primer that can be examined under magnification and resolved with the serial number. Then of course, the serial number is traced to the vendor who sold the firearm. The idea is to be able to identify the serial number of a gun used in the commission of a crime from any spent shell casings found at the crime scene.

So is this a cool idea or what? Would probably create a great black market for used pistols and resurrect revolvers for sure.
Sounds impractical. It would take, what, 30 seconds with a file to remove the number that all that technology etched onto it?
That idea is so stupid it really doesn't deserve our time to even think about it. But we know we will anyway - a) Larry's file, b) the firing pin wears down, c) you steal a firing pin from another gun, d) you make your own firing pin, e) don't leave any cartridges at the scene, etc., etc., etc.

And the most insidious reason - someone bent on murder could incriminate anyone including you and me. Just hang around a range, collect a few shells and drop them at the scene while picking up yours.
Very lame...

See Mal's post. The "lie detector" was supposed to be the big thing still isn't admissible evidence after 50 yrs. This technology is no different than a licence the cops something to go on, but is easily contaminated.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I'm ambivalent. Although Mal's post was almost verbatum my thoughts upon reading of this, I thought, as DC mentioned, and Ankeny implied, that this could at least be a "tool." Not much of one, but hey, not a bad thing, right? But how much does this stuff cost? Is some fool legislature (or worse, BATF) going to require such silliness? I can see it now-- registration of firing pins, and penalties for carrying overly-worn pins (replacement, after registration: Only $109.99), and convictions based entirely upon primer etchings.

More harm than good...?
Maybe we're missing the point here.

Obviously, some anti-gun people are completely ignorant twits - but not all of them. Therefore, suggestions such as this may be intended to harass, to provoke impolite reactions which lose us support, and to make us appear (especially to the honest but ignorant fence-sitters) that we are unwilling to make America a safe place to live.

(Don't kill the messenger! :D)