Las Vegas Shooting: OK Folks Serious, is This Just an "Echo?"

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I have come across many provocative videos leading me to question the official story of the "lone gunman." One is this interesting discussion on Youtube with many infantry veterans saying they know the sound of a belt-fed M-240 bravo when they hear one, and that bumpfire is erratic and doesn't go 150 continuous rounds, as we heard in Vegas. Here in the comments to THIS VIDEO.

My question is this. Taking it from a different angle, I would like to know what you guys think about what I consider to be the "smoking gun" that there is more than one shooter: the sound of distant machine-gun fire in the taxi video, right after a short burst which is practically right over him. Some are trying to say it's an "echo," but LOL an echo which happens a full 40 seconds later. Also the distant burst is much longer. The firing positions sound nowhere near each other. But the some are also trying to say it was just him running from window to window. I say BS. I say those firing positions are hundreds of yards apart if they're an inch. What say yall? Does anyone really believe that's an echo? The distant burst happens at about 44 seconds into the unedited taxi video below.
Like the JFK film and audio from 1963, different locations with different echos and other parametrics likely produce what may seem like a totally different event.
And that was before photoshop et al.
Not sure what that means. So you think this sound of a long burst in the distance 40 seconds after a short burst very nearby, with a different cadence, is an echo?
There's nothing to see here except idle speculation based on "evidence" from an unsourced YouTube video. It's a tiny step from that to conspiracy theories, and we don't do those here.
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