Lars Grizzly malfunctions


I can't decide whether this post belongs in this area or the firearms are malfunctioning. Input is greatly appreciated!

I recently was asked to reload for a buddy of mine. He has two Lars Grizzlies in .45 Winchester Magnum. The press is a Dillon RL550B. Dies are RCBS. We're reloading Hornady 250gr HP/XTP (.452) over 16.5gr Blue Dot.

When feeding from the magazine, the slide does not go into battery (both pistols). If/when it does, it feels like the slide is 'stuck' closed with the round in the chamber.

I compared the handloaded rounds to factory ammo and all measurements are +/- 0.001"
(OAL measured differently, as the factory stuff was a 200gr round. OAL on the handloaded stuff is under the listed amount in the loading manuals. Ejected, loaded cartridges show no indications of having touched the rifling)

My question is this: Are these pistols known for having extremely tight chambers? If not, and the ammo is within SAMMI specs, what could be causing this? (btw...there are no buildups of carbon, or any other 'gunk' in the firearm or chamber)

If these are known for tight chambers, where can I pick up some of that material to make a chamber casting and measure the dimensions?

Thanks for any help!
When you checked the case size, did you check it at the base just above the extractor rim? This is usually where the case is slightly larger. From the problems you are having I would bet it is case being slightly oversize at the base. Some resizing dies don't size the last little bit of the case well.
For a chamber cast, Brownells ( sells a metal called cerosafe. It melts at low temp and works excellant for chamber casts.
I don't know if the LARS are known for tight chambers, maybe someone else can comment on this. Good shooting John K

One thing to consider is the condition of the case rims. If you are reloading used brass, the ejector and extractor may have previously raised burrs that are now dragging on the ejector and/or breechface as the cartridge raises into position.

[This message has been edited by Daniel Watters (edited May 25, 2000).]
Stealth, I suspect slightly bulged ammo. This is very common with reloaded ammunition. Try running a few back through your resizing die and see how they act then. George
Thanks George:

I more or less told this fellow the same thing in his other post on Handloading. So you back me up on this one. I just discovered this technique yesterday. :D

Cannon balls

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by George Stringer:
Stealth, I suspect slightly bulged ammo. This is very common with reloaded ammunition. Try running a few back through your resizing die and see how they act then. George[/quote]