Large stash of guns removed from Staten Island home

I couldn't even read all the comments without getting ticked off. There is a bunch of ignorant people out there. :barf: I'm glad I live in a free country myself, I'd hate to see my headline if I lived there. Hey didn't we have a thread like that a while back?......"What would your headline read?". :)

hoytinak, I haven't been around for a while but I remember one case of an elderly guy who had collected military guns and I think had a heart attack. The locals went nuts claiming weapons of mass destruction etc. Several members helped out but I don't know if the guy got his stuff back after he recovered. Seeing some of the pictures of how they handled the guns they probably were pretty worth less because they threw them into 50 gal drums. You may be free now but if Tehas doesn't do something about the border that won't last. I was in El Paso two weeks ago. In Walmart there were no white or black employees and when they did announcements they were in Spanish. Here in NC it is bad but not that bad. Time to reinstate the free state project!
Seems like lots of folks in that area are quite threatened by just the thought of someone having a gun collection. Agree with hoytinak that a lot of the comments on the article were downright disgusting. Also agree I'm glad I don't live in that area.
hoytinak -

You are so right. I find the comments by some of the folks sickening. Definitely from some commie, pinko, bedwetters. Free country....not like it was 100 years ago.

I'm I'll only have to put up with this crap for another dozen or so years.

Someday, something will wipe out life on this planet. And...we'll deserve it. Hopefully, God will do a better job with His next evolutionary process.
Good thing those guns were confiscated. They might have up and pulled their own triggers one day (heavy dose of sarcasm).
It would be so funny if the EPA went to someones house and seized a car collection
