large increases in TFL board membership as y2k nears


New member
I get to thinking about stuff ,like why the large increase in TFL membership and how many of the new members are BATF or FBI Agents.

These guys are every wheres constantly looking for terrorists with guns. This is their only job.

I wonder how many times they create
the "terrorists" out of law abiding citizens by "deamonizing" them.

The Assault on the North Pole , while a very funny joke; This firing line post serves
to illistrate how the BATF & FBI can demonize
even Santa Claus and make it sound convincing; at least enough so that most DUPES= Delibertly Unarmed & Unthinking Sheeple would probably believe it.

Are you actually really paranoid when there really are forces awaiting the proper time to be unleashed upon you?

Are you paranoid when there are corperations and agencies with agendas for your undoing?

How many anti gunners are there really
out there? Lets see, 1,HisRoyal Billness
2. Billery 3.Fienstien 4.Schoomer 5. Gore
6.Bradley 7. Sara Brady 8.Janet Rino 9.Ted
"chapoquitiac" Kennedy and his assault olds

Ok ,Im stuck for numbers 10 thru 20 and need help from the board to complete the list. But, I dont think the list is more than 100 or 200.

Point is , we are 3.5 million law abiding gun owners having our second ammendment rights railroaded by less than 200 people", to use the word people loosely.

I am not too sure the above 9 are even human.

Thoughts,comments ,suggestion,criticism etc
and any thing else, even dis-a-gree-ment;
lord forbid! !;^o)
We've dicussed the posability of federal agents monitoring this board before. We aren't doing anything illegal and are in fact using the First Amendment in order to preserve the Second.
The Classic answer has always been:
Ernest you forgot Ted Turner, Hanoi Jane and the rest of hollywood.

I find it funny how many jews are anti, say for instance bill hendel, KFI mornings after their history I guess you could call him a NAZI sympathizer he would be one of the Jews helping the NAZI'S find other jews in warsaw and herd them into cattle cars, hoping to save his own fat ass in the process and then sporting a look of disbelief as the NAZI's turn on him in the end, and put him on the cattle car and off to the ovens joking about kosher this and kosher that. I hope these sellouts realize what they will create in the end. Maybe "Never Again" will be a lot sooner then we think. Did someone say "FINAL SOLUTION" or was that "ZERO TOLERANCE?" wasn't sure, they both sound the same. Maybe its just the same amount of letters?

Let the man monitor all they want, as soon as they start a collection program they will have violated the laws they swore to uphold and then their asses are fair game.

"Whatcha gonna do when I come for you?"

Maybe we should background check new members and have a 10day wait as a cooling off period. Wouldnt want any spy's to jump the gun so to speak.

"The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it." T JEFFERSON

Do you really think that we want those laws to be observed? We want them broken. We're after power and we mean it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breakings laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted-and you create a nation of law breakers--and then you cash in on guilt.


Therefore no one in the armed forces is treated as familiarly as are spies, no one is given rewards as rich as those given to spies, and no matter is more secret than espionage.

Master Sun, "The Art of War"

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 18, 1999).]
They can monitor us all they want to. Other than a handful of prozac poster kids, its obvious to anyone that this wire contains some of the most patriotic true Americans and defenders of the Constitution. The truth is your best defense.

An armed society is a polite society.
Sometimes I wonder how many FBI and BATF lurkers come to TFL and are like-minded yet unwilling to post?

I also wonder how many good, patriotic FBI and BATF agents feel stigmatized by other agents who could care less about the rights of the citizenry?

Guess we may never know.
i have spoken with current and former FBI Agents....had three of them at our station two weeks ago but thats another matter.....I can tell that the old time guys are just as disgusted with the current admin as we for the current ones...they are holding down saying one said to me..."I've done my time and my concern is for my family....I could say something then again who is going to put food on my table"....a catch 22....there are good guys out's the new Rambo types that are a problem....even the old dogs think so!
robnoel, you are correct sir. There is a lot of frustration in the rank and file of several agencies, bureaus, and services.
There's a lot more than 200 who have bought the big lie. The media's a huge propaganda machine that will not allow the truth to be told & if you repeat the lie enough, you get what we have today. I don't see it getting any better any time soon.

Me & mine have never been & never will be a problem to other law-abiding citizens & as such will never be registered nor given up.
Mal H....hope none here get wiggy.:-).....however I turned a "former" agent onto this site ....not sure if he posts ....but he loves it!...IMHO we are the majority .....we just don't know it!