Lanyard for SureFire Tactical lights

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Mike Spight

New member
I only switched from my trusty D-cell Maglite to a SureFire 6Z earlier this year. To say I've been impressed with the 6Z and it's capabilities in conjunction with a handgun (whether using Harries or Rogers technique) would be an understatement. But I'm still working on the best/most effective way to employ the light with a handgun in the majority of situations, whether employing it from a pocket, belt carrier or from the bedside table.

The major problem I'd experienced is adapting the lanyard SureFire provided with the light. IMO, the stock one is way too long, and just gets in the way. Unless you cut it down, you've got to make a few wraps around the palm/back of your weak hand, then magazine changes are problematic as the light ends up dangling (at least for me) way to low and necessitates use of two hands to re-acquire.

I ordered two of Firearms Tactical's improved SureFire lanyards, and they seem to be a big improvement over the original, with the light being held tight against the weak hand palm, even when performing a mag change or clearance drill. For me, it still seemed somewhat awkward when trying to handle mags.

I think, though, the ultimate way to secure the 6Z is one which a few (or quite a few) of you may already be using but I was unfamiliar with. While attending the IDPA Nationals earlier this month, a target mover manufacturing company from St. Louis was giving away hundreds of a little item that is nothing more than a small metal key ring with an approx 1.25" in diameter rubber O-ring attached. I'd remembered one of my fellow club shooters mentioning using something similar to this set-up for a SureFire light, so I tried it out. I clip the key ring to the hook clip on the SureFire, slip the O-ring over the two middle fingers of my weak hand, grasp the light (I use the Harries method) and fire away. For mag changes, I merely drop the light which then hangs free from my palm, let it roll around to the back of my weak hand, and am able to reasonably handle mag changes without having to put the light in a pocket, etc. After mag change is complete, I swing my hand up and let the light roll back into the weak hand palm.

My description sounds much more difficult that it actually is to perform. Actual utility for use in a self defense situation may vary...if you're able to, setting the light down or putting it in a pocket while changing mags may be tactically correct as long as you're beind cover. For other situations, this little O-ring may be the ticket.

Have any of you been using the O-ring or the Firearms Tactical Lanyard? If so, what is working for you (and not working for you) in using the SureFire light? Is there an efficent way to use the stock lanyard, or is it just a hopeless cause?

All ideas/experiences with this topic are welcome...I want to learn something here...what is the most effective way to employ a SureFire light w/a lanyard attached and which lanyard will ultimately prove to be the best.


Thanks for the input. From your description, you let the light dangle from your wrist while changing mags?

This seems unavoidable, unless you're willing to put the light in a pocket or set it down. Either method would probably take longer than letting the light hang loose though.


Do you remember the company that was giving out those O-rings w/the clip? Sounds like what I've been looking for.


Si vis pacem para bellum!

Check me out at:
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Sure thing...card that came with the O-ring is as follows:

Target Movers
(no mailing/e-mail address listed)
J.D. Knapp, St. Louis MO
(314) 423-8551

Again, they were handing them out all over the range facility and back at the hotel/match HQ.

Let me know if you can't get one from them...I've got some extras.

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