Land Wanted......prefer easy digging.!


New member
Looks like I am in the market for a couple-a-hundred acres of mountainous land.
Preferably rocky and steep, with large deposits of iron ore or iron oxide fool the metal detectors....If it has poison ivy, or poison oak so much the better.

Cause if this keeps up boys I gota bury a few things , dontcha know.
And this little 75X125 house lot I am living on won't be much of a chalenge to find my cache.

Anybody got some good ideas they want to share on making things disapear..!

The above commentary is purely for discussion and educational purposes, and any sugestions posted here following it....are the same... :)
I hear that the desert areas outside of Las Vegas have been used to hide many "problems" that were otherwise hard to deal with. You never hear of anyone dicovering these hiding places either. Might be a good spot for you to consider.
Keep in mind that there are satellites that use ground penetrating radar to map underground features....theoretically, a cache could be an important feature :(


1. Bury your cache under high-tension lines, the EM field apparently screws up the radar.

2. Buy a bunch of scrap engine blocks, transmissions, axles, pipe, etc. Bury these all over your cache site, along with the cache...somebody will have to awful lucky or awful persistant. It might confuse the radar guys, too :)

Hope that helps! ;)

*WARNING* The above post was presented for educational purposes only. Your mileage may vary. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. May be Void in Kalifornia, DC, Occupied Northern Virginia, or any other areas held by Carpetbaggers. Attempted use may lead to preservation of Individual Liberty.
If you bury it, you can not USE it!

If your entire cache is located in the mountains, miles from your home, or buried under your backyard for that matter, what good does it do you to defend yourself, your family, or your freedom.

Until tanks loaded with troops come rolling down your street, you shouldn't cower to these silly threats. Tell me, who besides foreign troops, daring feds, or brainwashed GI's would shoot at American citizens in their own homes? If you were EVER listed as a gun owner, even if you cannot produce a single firearm when requested, you are still considered a threat to the system. They would most likely put you up for safe keeping just to spite your apparent lies. So just be ready...lock and load!