Lamb to the slaughter


Retired Screen Name
I really should know by now... don't ever try to explain the philosophy of self-defence to someone who was willingly and happily disarmed by his government (UK), has never been the victim of any sort of crime (and thus thinks he's invulnerable), believes that having armed police is a horrifying idea, and thinks he's qualified to discuss firearms issues because he's spent five years "overseas" (hello, *everywhere* is overseas from UK, even France and Ireland).

Oh, and according to this fool, "rampant individualism" is a bad idea as well, worthy of scorn.


ETA: anyone wants the quotes, I've got 'em. Too bad the ****bird deleted the thread.
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The concept of the individual began, and seems ended, about 217 years ago. When many that didn't wish to conform, knell down, or be subject to, a sole leader, established, through bloodshed, their own nation.

Unknown to them at the time, just abit over 200 years later, the mast majority would once again be calling out, for a king to lead them and to put them back where they were, only 200 years before.


:D i get. Been there myself. i always felt foolish myself after argueing with a fool. jeez what was i thinking i should have just talked to my tree in my yard.:)
Hey, at least the tree would benefit from the carbon dioxide. :cool:

(btw, Scarybaldguy is me, Rich just reactivated my oooooold account.)