Lahti 20mm Anti-Tank Rifle


Lahti 20mm Anti-Tank Rifle

Fires 2,300 grain solid tungsten projectile






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What an outstanding firearm!

Truly impressive. I hope to shoot one someday.

HOWSOMEVER - - - - While I MIGHT understand wanting to post this in the Rifle forum, there's no way it belongs in Handguns: General Handgun Forum.

MOVED to NFA Guns and Gear Forum.

I don't think the projectiles were solid tungsten, were they?

I think they were mild steel exterior with a tungsten penetrator and a driving band.
how many holes in that car are 20mm?? i'd have thought the holes would be bigger than that... i'd like to see a test on the engine block too.......

neat,massive, weapon though.........................

LIFE IS SHORT......................
Any recommendations on a Holster for that should one want to make it a "carry" weapon.

Bet your neighbors are real courteous when they see you loading that in your truck.
humm.... CCW 20mm, dont think that know down power on either end wil be in question. you shold cut the barrel down to 16 in just because....and shoot it at night.:D :eek:
I would imagine that quite a few of the holes on that car are 20mm...after all, that's less than an inch.

You got me all jealous! Maybe next week I'll post pictures of me and my 25mm chaingun :P
That's an older picture I've seen long ago. Talk about long ago: when I was a young gun nut of 18, I bought one of these things for $100, in the box with sled and extras for the princely sum of $100 in New Brunswick N.J. !!!!!!! The ammo was $1 per round then, and I bought 50, at first. With the help of a cousin I took it to his father's sand and gravel quarry and shot at ancient abandoned steam shovel boilers and such. Yup it busted a couple inches of steel real pretty with lots of sparks an noise from the cannon brake! I remember the recoil sliding us back a few inches every shot!Unfortunely a neighbor half a mile away called the NJ State Troopers . These guys took a dim view of my legal purchase used on private property by somebody over the legal age of 18(back then) and told me to 'get rid of that cannon -or else!'
I sold it to a wonderful Cuban Charter boat captain of my father's aquaintence( for more than twice as much as I had into it, I can't remember how much but he was most generous) who made me show him where to buy ammo. He bought alot! He promised me he would use it to "shoot Fidel's house" on his next trip down to Florida. This was 1963, I believe:D
Wow. Whoa. Oh. Wow, again.

That is the biggest gun I have ever seen that is not manned by a crew.

But, in the first picture (the one with you/that guy in it holding the "rifle" (more like cannon); what is that mag on. It looks suspended in thin air to me?
I was wondering about the suspended thing too, but then concluded it was a muzzle cover, designed to fit over that rectangular muzzle brake, on a tether.

Dang, wouldn't it be fun to mount one of those on a Jeep or Hummer?
Trouble with those is that you have to have two, since carrying just one tends to throw you off balance. ;)

Seriously, there are some around and for sale every once in a while. The problem is not only the cost but the category, since they are not Title II firearms and a Class 3 dealer can't handle them. They are Destructive Devices and require a special license (not an SOT). There are several states that don't even have one licensed dealer, meaning that, regardless of state law, residents of those states cannot buy DD of any kind.
