Lack Of Information

roy reali

New member
I spent the last couple of days visiting the websites of the current presidential canidates. Yes, I know, I lead an exciting life. I want the share what I have learned.

All their websites have a similar layout. Included on each site is a list of issues and the stand that particular canidate has on tem. One issue that I looked at is the 2nd amendment. This is the part that fascinated me the most.

All the republican canidates hmention gun rights on their websites. They each say that we don't have to worry as gun owners. I realize this could very well be lip service to get elected, but they mention the issue nonetheless.

Now of the three viable democratic canidates only one even mentions the second amendment on their website. That person being John Edwards. Surprisingly his gun rights message mirrors the stance of the GOP canidates. Don't worry, I'm taking this with a grain of salt.

Obama and Clinton are the front runners for the democrats. God forbid, one of them might even become president. So I was really curious about their stand on gun rights and gun ownership. The information that thier websites had about the second amendment was very telling, they don't have any. No mention of the 2nd amendment or gun rights could be found on their websites. I did not learn weather they were progun or antigun. This is scary.

If Obama or Clinton had indicated that they would institute Nazi-type gun laws I could at least respect their openness and honesty. However, they do not even have the guts to let us know their stand on this issue, even though we all know it. I guess they can't risk alienating voters either way. I wonder how either of these two could be trusted on any other issue, let alone guns.

They must thing us gun owners lack enough brain cells to see the truth.
visit he's the constitutionalist republican who has the most support for 2 amendment and believes 9/11 could have been foiled if the pilots carried guns. He's raised more money than the other GOP's and is doing fair enough and shows promise to do well.
Lack of Courage

I understand that a canidate's stand on gun rights can be found. But I looked at their websites to see something in their own words, so to say. I was curious. I just find it telling that some politicians can't even be open and honest on their own websites.
I understand that a canidate's stand on gun rights can be found. But I looked at their websites to see something in their own words, so to say. I was curious. I just find it telling that some politicians can't even be open and honest on their own websites.

I can't quite reconcile your statements that seem to indicate that you would rather see lip service (i.e. lying) rather than silence. Maybe I am just misreading what you are trying to say?

My position is that nothing a candidate says can be taken as truth, the only verification is in their actions. Plus, I wanted to plug a useful website :)

Take Rudy... would you rather trust his website promises or his historical actions as mayor as a guide to how he would act if elected?