Labor and guns


New member
More than a few of my friends are proud unionists who like to waive the flag, you know, ''Good Old USA and We Made America What It Is Today!'' Most are hunters, too. Their unions (next to trial lawyers and teachers) are the greatest supporters of the Democrat party, a group of leftists who work tirelessly to take away my 2nd Amendment rights. There has to be a number of unionists posting here. Have any of you ever spoken out against your leadership's role in destroying an important right?
That's the beauty of being a Democrat. They're allowed, even encouraged, to hold conflicting views. You can say one thing, think another, a vote a third.... and it all makes sense to them, somehow. Now stand still and face the wall. My brain hurts. -- Kernel
I'm also a union member, but I am aware enough to see the same thing you see. I've told other members of my union these same things and got a negative response. When Dukakis was running for President, I was very vocal about his firearms record and that of his home state. The response from my fellow union members was that it is more important to have work than to have a gun. When I asked them if they remembered "Arbeit macht frei" I just got a blank stare.
I had a bumper sticker from the NRA which read "Defend firearms, defeat Dukakis" One of my union 'brothers' defaced this sticker with a four-letter word. Anonymously of course.
I'm still a member of this union, but I now know better than to question the herd mentality while in the presence of the herd.
It's real scary when they roll their eyes and moo nervously like that. :)
My POA is pro gun. ;) However, the associations we're affiliated with (PORAC) isn't. :( But, if elected to office within my own association, I will strongly lobby PORAC to....

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I'm a Union member, have been most my working life. You're on the X-Ring on the Democratic romnace with the unions. My Local Pres openly states during company business to vote Democrat. Weird too, he like to hunt all form of santioned game. Loves to boat too, hell he lives on the muddy Missisip!
The fact that his dearly beloved elected ones are trying to strip him of something he also loves doesn't seem to bother him one iota. Almost as if he believes that his status will get him favor from the local Gestapo/Kommandant's Office after the great field Marshall exercise is placed into Law.

I can't align myself with that political side anymore, at least until there is an earnest movement back to grassroots. The thing that the Democratic Party supposedly used to stand for...(bang, crash, ding. damn soapbox broke again).

Oh, I'm in a closed shop union too, just for the record, Railroad BRS(Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen) #103.

Best Regards,
Americans of all walks of life embrace socialism when it makes things more convenient for them personally.
I'm a member of the Communication Workers of America and I'm kinda in a bind. I work in a right to work state so their power is limited in some ways. I made sure I was not paying anything in to COPE which is a PAC and have pointed out the anti-gun record of many of the people they back. I try to put as much time in for "our side" as possible by trying to match union dues with contributions to NRA, TSRA, GOA, etc as possible. The union keeps the company I work for from paying us peanuts with no bennies so I guess we just have to fight them as best we can. Its gotten to the point where there is not much difference between the two parties anyway.
Up here in canada we just got another round of gun control.It was initially endorsed by some very major labor workers,teamsters,etc.But the members slapped the leaders hands and no more was heard from them.These unions endorse our most socialist party, but in this case they at least were told to keep their mouths shut.and yes we are a very socialist country but not with my help.
Well, I'll probably get flamed for this, but to be frank, I've always had the impression that union leadership couldn't really care less what the members think. Have things changed?

And, no, I've never been a union member. The electricians rejected me, and I went to college instead. Worked out just fine. Great grandpa was a UMW coal miner, and grandpa was IBEW. Still, I've never really trusted unions. Their record on the RKBA hasn't changed my mind.
It's more complicated that just guns. Big companies for the most part are happy to screw their employees for profit and unions were necessary to counteract that. But of course, there were excesses.

The GOP is seen as a business oriented party.
Thus, unions must oppose them.

Unfortunately, the RKBA issue migrated to
the GOP along with other social conservative issues.

Any issue associated with the GOP is opposed by the Democrats.

My point is that the stranglehold of the
GOP on the defender of gun rights must be broken or it's just a matter of time. The GOP is caving whenever it can. Just a few hold the line.

Rant mode off.
I have had zero positive experiences with unions. Although I understand their place in history, and that they've done tremendous things for safety in the workplace, etc., today they seem more aligned with greed, corruption, and incompetence (workers & leadership) than when they used to stand up for fair play and fair pay for a day's work. Let me also say that any business/industry that routinely abuses it's workers deserves a union.

It has been my experience that once an organization reaches a certain size, its perpetuation becomes its primary interest, regardless of its original charter - this is true of commercial enterprise, unions, government, non-profits - anything in the public or private sector - you can't trust any of them, you must watch all of them. TJ said 'the price of freedom is eternal vigilence', and I believe him. M2
Gopher: A primary difference between the Dumbs & the Pubes is that while the Republicans aren't as pro-gun AFTER the election as they are BEFORE, the Democrats are (mostly) ACTIVELY anti-gun.

It is rare that a Democrat will vote against any gun-control bill, no matter how stupid it is. (Or the Dumbocrat, for that matter.)

:), Art