LA to recognize VA permits


New member
From VCDL Prez:
Great news!

Louisiana Governor Blanco signed SB 837, which will make LA honor
permits from all states that honor LA permit - and VA does just that!
Apparently the new law will become effective fairly quickly.
However, DO NOT carry in LA (unless you have a Florida non-resident
permit) until you hear from me that it is official.

Senator Stolle has never liked giving another state recognition
unless they give us recognition. VCDL has always disagreed, seeing
unilateral recognition as an investment in the future. Just like
with NC last September, it has paid off again by putting us on the
fast track with Louisiana.

I will advise as soon as I can find something official on the LA web
site. Here is the page I will be watching:

Here is a link to the new law:

I am also watching OH and WA to see if they are going to honor VA.
Hopefully we will know something in the next few months. After July
1, when training for a first permit becomes mandatory, we may see
some more states recognizing VA. Keep your fingers crossed.
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